Akos Eider



4 years, 8 months ago


Akos Eider


Basic Information

Akos Eider


April 25th 825

Kodin (Canine)

Female she/her

4 foot 11


Languages Spoken
Snaarl, Yip, Standard









Magic Alignment


Artistic Notes

Reference Sheet: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/34116793/


Physical Appearance: Very toned. Being a blacksmith means Akos gets a pretty good workout day to day. Her fur is extremely messy and unkempt and more often than not there's soot or something similar on her.

Clothing: Akos' clothing is usually as messy as her fur is; often with tattered or burnt edges. She's commonly seen wearing a poncho with a tank top underneath. On occasion she'll have bandages covering a burn or cut.

Expressions: Grumpy, confused, tired


Likes: Birds, feathers, swimming, smithing

Dislikes: Being dirty, mud, thunderstorms


Akos is very headstrong and almost irreparably stuck in her ways. The epitome of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Growing up in Wolvern Valley she very quickly learned to look out for number one. It's sink or swim, and she has no patience for the weak or those who get in her way. She had to learn everything she knows the hard way, so in her mind that means everyone else has to as well. Many view her as cold, rude, and a bit archaic in her ways.

Because of her narrow view on things Akos has difficulty making decisions on her own. She only knows and understands her very "old world" style home, so whenever she's faced with a "new world" problem she'll crack under pressure. Many of her solutions to problems involve brute force. Disagreement? Fight. Whoever wins is right. Social norms confuse her and she especially struggles with non Kodin races simply on the grounds she never had to interact with them as a child. She also HATES Sinvian, as her homeland didn't view them as pure beings. To her they're big birds getting special treatment, and that ticks her off.

With all her struggles socially and her deep rooted cultural norms she can no longer follow Akos has become very troubled. She's known to indulge in less than legal substances every now and then as an escape. She takes out her frustrations by pounding molten metal into shape, and any grievence that can't be soothed with that is soothed other ways. Mainly alcohol and Marrowmist.


Strengths: Physique

Weaknesses: Naive, bullheaded

Weapons/Tools: War Hammer

Akos is an extremely skilled blacksmith. She has a natural knack for the job. Tools and weapons made by her are built to last, and if you need something repaired chances are you won't have to get it repaired again unless you royally screw up. Akos mainly works with weapons, but she can make just about anything out of metal.


Addictions: Alcohol, Marrowmist

Mental Illnesses: None

Physical Illnesses: None

Disabilities: None

Allergies: None


Akos was born in the far off settlement known as Wolvern Valley. A pseudo country with a less than modern way of living. While some areas of the territory had more communications with the outside world, settlements such as Silvermoon, Akos’ home was almost entirely cut off from the rest of the world. She grew up in a little village known as Falcon’s Corner. As the name would suggest, the village was built in a small alcove which lead into the underground, and the village folk relied heavily on the practice of falconry.

The Eider family was one of many Falconers in the settlement. Her father raised and trained young birds while her mother made a living in leatherworking. Growing up Akos was taught a bit of both. For a long time she even had her own falcon! The bird never had a name, as her family viewed the birds more as tools rather than pets, but she has many fond memories going out on hunts with her father and their birds. Long lazy days watching the birds fly over head followed by a burst of excitement when one would dive down and strike. Akos was enamored by it all.

Growing up in such a small secluded corner of the world Akos never had many friends. Falcon’s Corner had a population of less than 100, and roughly half of its members moved out upon reaching adulthood. Most of the Kodin living there were in their early 40’s to late 70’s; not the kind of people open to playing with rowdy children such as Akos. Still, she enjoyed the people of her village. They may not have played with her, but many of the Kodin there entertained her childish ramblings about her bird or about projects she and her mother were working on.

With such a small community, the village didn’t really have a “real” economy. In Falcon’s Corner you didn’t “buy” things. Each person in town had a role, and if you needed something you’d get it from them with the understanding you’d return the favour. You didn’t go to the store and buy milk, you went to Kelden’s house and asked for some. Then ole Kelden would come to you later on and ask you to repair his leather armour. This was Akos’ only understanding of how the economy worked for the longest time, and later in life this view on the world would end up hindering her. As a child, though, it was great! She could ask just about anyone for just about anything and they’d happily oblige. Life couldn’t get better!

Life went on this way until Akos was about seven. Around that time tensions began to rise in Falcon’s Corner, albeit slowly. From what Akos remembers it all started the day her father’s bird was killed. One day the two were out on a hunt. They sent their birds off, as usual, but only one of the two returned. A bird going rogue wasn’t uncommon. Younger falcons needed repeated training to learn to fly back, but her father’s bird was not young. It was an old, experienced Falcon. A well trained bird who wouldn’t just fly off. Both of them found this odd, but Akos was allowed to continue her hunt while he set off looking for the missing falcon.

About an hour or so later her father returned looking worse for wear and holding a now dead bird in his arms. He was covered in small scratches as if he’d fallen into a patch of brambles and he looked shaken up. Akos tried to ask what was wrong, but she didn’t get an answer. All she was told was that they had to cut their hunt short and that, for the time being, Akos had to lend her bird to him. Without a bird there was no need for her to come out on any more hunts, so she was to stay home and help her mother with her leatherworking.

This did not go over well with young Akos. She loved being outside. She loved watching her bird strike unsuspecting rabbits, voles, or other birds. Hell, she even had a small collection of feathers she’d picked up over the years; both from her own bird and the birds it killed. All of these feathers were kept in a little wooden case and each had a little notecard with the date, time, and species of the bird. There were no other kids her age to play with, and while she didn’t dislike her mother’s line of work she wasn’t good at it. Young Kodin have far too much raw energy to sit still and work delicately. Anything she made came out scratched up or covered with rips and tears. She didn’t want to stay home, but her father was firm on his decision.

Things only got more tense from there. As time went on her parents seemingly got in more and more arguments. Her mother didn’t want her father going out on hunts. She was worried sick about something or other, but Akos never paid attention to what it was. Whenever she heard her parents bicker she’d just go play outside in an attempt to blot it out. But this escape didn’t last long.

People around Falcon’s Corner began falling ill. At first they believed it to be a bad case of mange spreading through the settlement. After all, they were all Kodin, and the area didn’t exactly have access to “modern medicine”. The people there hardly knew anything about magic either. Those affected started getting nasty sores on their skin which caused patches of hair to fall out in chunks. This infection was clearly contagious, as those living in shared households started falling ill around the same time. With this case of mange going around Akos was kept inside as much as possible. Mange wasn’t deadly, but it was horribly uncomfortable and her parents didn’t want to subject their daughter to that kind of torment.

Or so they thought. Soon enough it became painfully clear what was going around wasn’t mange; it was Blight. Red magic blight caused by an unknown source. Mange was not deadly, but Blight was. Rather, this specific kind of Blight was. And considering no one in town knew anything about magic aside from “it exists” and “there’s different colours of it” no one had the ability to locate the source until it was too late. The irritated skin and patchy fur warped and changed into deep black sores. These sores smelled like death, as the black colour was caused by necrosis of the affected skin.

People were getting sick. Akos was stuck indoors, and day after day she had to sit and hear her mother and father argue about him going out on his hunts. If he didn’t the family wouldn’t have anything to eat, but if he did he was putting himself at risk. Both from the Blight and another unspoken danger. They never explicitly said what this danger was in front of Akos, but from what she was able to overhear it sounded like a monster was on the loose. At least, that’s how her seven year old mind interpreted it. This “monster” had been what killed her father’s Falcon, and he’d encountered it the day of. He managed to escape by running through a bramble bush, hence why he returned all scraped up.

Eventually everything clicked. One day Akos’ father returned, and much to the family’s horror his shoulder was covered in a thick, black, rotting sore. He did not return with Akos’ bird, nor did he return with any meat from the day’s hunt. The poor man just barely returned with his life for god’s sake! His explanation shed some light on where the blight had come from. Apparently there really WAS a monster on the loose. More specifically, a type of Fiend known as a “Cere'bis”. A massive, disfigured, wolf-like creature with powerful red magic. It was the very same creature that Akos’ father encountered the first time, and this creature’s magic was what had been affecting the village.

With a total lack of medicine in the settlement and the severity of her father’s injury it was only a matter of time before the Blight fully overtook him. He spent his days cornered in her parents room while Akos and her mother shared Akos’ room. It was small and cramped, and many of these days she was forced to go hungry. No hunts meant no meat, and with most of the settlement sick they couldn’t rely on Falcon’s Corner’s usual generosity to save them. They were cutting in to their food storage, which was running thin, and every trip outside to scavenge for scraps put them at risk.

It was only a matter of time before her mother fell ill as well. By this point Akos had just turned eight, and what was left of her village was in shambles. The Cere'bis had not left, and the magic it used was altering the very ambiance around them. No one knew what it was doing, but everyone knew it was bad. Luckily, Akos’ parents had a safety net, if you could call it that. Unknown to her, her father had written a letter to his brother shortly after falling ill. His brother, A Kodin dubbed “Coon Dog”, had left the village shortly after turning 18 never to return. He’d moved out to the town of Silvermoon in pursuit of a more “modern” lifestyle.

His letter had detailed the horrific state of Falcon’s Corner and pleaded for him to allow Akos and her mother to stay there temporarily. He knew he couldn’t be saved, but if he replied soon enough the two of them could. Unfortunately, Coon Dog was a… Less than responsible individual. Months passed before a response came around, and by that time it was too late for Akos’ mother. But his letter did state he’d make room for them and gave a rough estimate for when he’d be there to pick the two up. All Akos had to do was avoid the Blight for a few more weeks and she’d be safe.

Akos knew her parents were sick, but a child of her age couldn’t quite comprehend the severity of their condition. Akos knew nothing about magic. She didn’t know what blight was, and as far as she was concerned her parents were invincible. But in the weeks waiting for Coon Dog to arrive their condition quickly worsened. Their fur fell out in clumps, the entire house smelled of death, and Akos was alone and hungry. Worst of all, there was nothing she could do about it.

Her uncle did eventually come. He was a week and a half late, but he came just as he said. Coon Dog arrived in an old beat up wagon with a managery of random items haphazardly shoved inside. Akos had never met her Uncle before, and he certainly didn’t make the greatest first impression. He was far older than her father, he was covered in random scars from god knows what, his breath smelled of alcohol, and he had an overly gruff way of speaking that put Akos off at first. But looks can be deceiving. The second he laid eyes on the scared scrawny child his whole demeanor shifted. His voice softened and he did his best to console Akos, even if it was clear he had no idea how to interact with children.

Akos was happy to finally have someone there to help, but her parents hadn’t told her they weren’t going with her. She did not take this news well. When her father told her about the letter she was under the assumption they were all going to Silvermoon, so when Coon Dog only helped pack Akos’ stuff she became distraught. How could she just leave her parents?! They needed help more than she did! Why wasn’t he helping them?! It was a tearful goodbye, and her parents weren’t really conscious enough to reassure her. The last memory Akos had of her parents was her crying over their unconscious bodies as her uncle gently tried to pull her away.

Life in Silvermoon was considerably different. For one thing, the town had an actual economy. An economy with shops and money and people who didn’t really know each other as personally as the people back home. Roads weren’t paved, but they were certainly better maintained than the trailers in Falcon’s Corner, and the houses here were bigger than any Akos had ever seen. It was a very abrupt change, and Akos was not in the right mental state to handle it.

Akos’ uncle worked as Silvermoon’s only blacksmith. The only official one, anyway. Various other amateur smiths were scattered around town, but he was the only one with a real forge and heavy duty equipment. Day in and day out people from all over the town came into the shop to get various work done. The local guild often came in to repair armour and weapons, and local farmers or miners came in to get their equipment fixed. It was bizarre to Akos how her uncle could work with people he hardly knew. Some of these people’s names he didn’t even know for pete's sake! She just couldn’t wrap her head around it.

As time went on Akos slowly became more and more accustomed to her new way of life. Not without notable scars from her past, however. After her parents deaths she was notably more reserved, and being thrust into this new city caused her to damn near close herself off from everyone. She was far more easily angered and most of her old hobbies were left forgotten. Her uncle may not have really known her, but he knew a child of her age shouldn’t be so bitter and angry.

In an attempt to make Akos open up more Coon Dog offered to teach her the art of smithing. Interested or not, it was better than her staying locked up in her room. At the very least she could pound her anger into whatever poor sheet of metal crossed her path. She wasn’t very enthused at first. As far as she was concerned her Uncle was a cruel man who’d left her parents to die back in Falcon’s Corner. This mindset slowly changed as the two spent more time together. Akos had a natural knack for smithing. She’d never been very good at crafts that needed a gentle touch, like her mother’s leatherwork, but being able to pound away at metal was right up her alley.

In the end the plan worked, and Akos and her uncle started to bond rather quickly from there. Once she took an interest in smithing it was only a matter of time before she took interest in his other hobbies. Unfortunately not all of Coon Dog’s hobbies were the most child friendly. He was a decent person, but it was no secret he was a total drunk. Not only that, but he also dabbled in a bit more illegal drugs. Silverstone may be more modernized than Falcon’s Corder was, but it was by no means as modern as the rest of Mirror Domain. Underage drinking didn’t really have a stigma around it. As far as the two were concerned, sharing a mug of ale after a long day of work was a fun way to hangout. Coon Dog was less of a parental figure and more of a friend.

Eventually Akos returned to her old hobbies. In the best way she could, anyway. Falconry wasn’t common in Silvermoon, but she could still hunt. On her days off she’d wander around the nearby swamp and shoot down birds with a makeshift crossbow. She’d prepare the meat just how her mother did in the past, and she’d pluck the flight feathers and store them in her collection box with the same little cards she’d always wrote for them. As time went on it became a game. She’d focus harder on hunting down species of birds she didn’t have in her collection, and when she did get a new one she’d parade the feathers around like a trophy.

Life in Silverstone was nice, but it wasn’t without its problems. Silverstone was known for its demon problems. The local guild, Silverstone Guild, was tasked with keeping these demons at bay. They did a good enough job, but every now and then one would slip through the cracks. These demons were far smarter than average, calling their group of troublemakers the “Shadow Band”. Akos knew to be wary of them, but aside from that life continued on as normal until she was around 22.

With her uncle’s lax views on recreational drugs it wasn’t long until Akos picked up the use of Marrowmist. A less than legal substance known for its minor psychedelic effects. Mostly minor visual hallucinations. While her mental state had gotten better over the years, she never really got over the death of her parents. Some nights she’d stay awake with the image of their badly blighted bodies seared into her mind, and on those nights she’d dip into her uncle’s stash to at least blot out the image with something else. It wasn’t a great coping mechanism, but it worked for her. As far as she was concerned anyway.

Years went on. Akos got older, her skills in smithing increased, and soon enough she was essentially running the shop on her own. Her uncle was already considerably older than her father was, so by the time Akos was 22 he was almost in his 70’s. Far too old to continue the hard work their shop required. Not only that, but after years of drunken shop accidents he had a limp in his leg and minor nerve damage in his hands. Definitely not someone fit to work with a forge. These injures didn’t slow him down, however. He was still his gruff, goofy old self and he and Akos were as close as ever.

That’s around the time the Shadow band struck. Lead by a familiar hulking wolf-like being the band of demons one day began raiding the town. Akos had no idea why. As far as she was concerned one day they were a minor threat to the town, and the next they were knocking down buildings and wreaking havok! Some of the townsfolk mentioned they were after items uncovered in nearby ruins, but she never really got the full story. The initial attack lasted hours, and after that scattered members of the group would attack anyone left on their own.

With all of this going down the smithy was overrun with work. The guild needed their gear repaired so they could handle the infestation, but the shop wasn’t big enough to handle the workload. Eventually Akos resorted to wandering around town helping other amateur blacksmiths set up more proper workspaces so they’d be able to distribute the repairs between more people. It was pretty chaotic, and things only got worse from there.

After hours of running around town setting up shop Akos returned to an empty house. Belongings were scattered about, and it looked like one of the windows was broken. Her stomach dropped at the sight of it all. There were still demons on the loose, and her uncle was nowhere to be seen. Immediately she became frantic. He had to be somewhere! People don’t just vanish! She searched around the house, their storage shed, the houses surrounding her own. It was clear he wasn’t anywhere nearby, so she expanded her search further. He was the only person she had left, and she was going to find him dead or alive.

Her search brought her to the local tavern. The two of them often spent time there after work, and with Coon Dog’s lessened responsibility around the shop he’d frequently spend afternoons there as well. There was no blood in her house, so clearly he hadn’t been killed there. Some demon or wild animal probably broke in while he was away. That had to be it. That HAD to be the explanation to it all.

The tavern was a bust. Not only was he not there, but the entire place was in shambles. It seemed the Shadow Band had been attacking areas with high foot traffic, and a tavern was an ideal target. Her uncle wasn’t there, he wasn’t at home. Where the hell else could he possibly be?! Akos was starting to panic, and that panic clouded her mind. She couldn’t think straight. She couldn’t think at all. The only thing running through her mind was the memory of what happened in Falcon’s Corner. It was the same thing all over again! She couldn’t escape it! Why did everything have to go so wrong?!

Akos was abruptly snapped out of her panic by a somewhat shrill voice calling out to her. It was far higher pitched than anyone she’d met around town which was enough to throw her off. The source of this unknown voice was a tall, yellow Kodin with bright pink speckles running across his entire body. This Kodin was unlike any she’d ever seen before, although just by looking at him she knew what he was. Unlike the Canine Kodin of Wolvern Valley, this boy was a Feline. Definitely not someone from around town.

The boy introduced himself as Lumi. Apparently Akos had been standing in the middle of the street hyperventilating for several minutes, and that’d caught his attention. He wanted to make sure everything was alright, although Akos found that sentiment stupid. Clearly things weren’t, otherwise she wouldn’t have been breaking down in the middle of the goddamn road like a lost child. Lumi explained that he had come here on an expedition, but when the shadow band started raising hell he’d been doing everything he could to help the locals. He explained if she was hurt at all, or knew anyone that was, she could stop by his airship and the people there would be able to help. In the moment Akos wasn’t thinking straight and just thanked Lumi for the information, but after he left she realized she could have asked for help looking for her uncle.

It was late at night, however. Akos’ mind was scrambled with worry and she couldn’t justify stopping her search to go talk to some foreigners. Lumi offered help, yes, but the time it’d take to walk all the way over there and explain her situation could be spent looking for her uncle. Besides, everyone in town needed help. The chances someone would even be available were pretty slim. It’d be best for her to keep searching on her own.

Night faded, morning came, and at a certain point Akos found herself waking up near a pile of rubble by a collapsed building. She’d somehow fallen asleep during her search and now it was morning. How could she be such an idiot! The clarity had finally struck her, and Akos was angry at herself for not accepting Lumi’s help when it was first offered. He’d told her where he was staying, so she took off in search of him. Hopefully his offer still stood and their group of “expeditioners” weren’t too busy.

Luckily she managed to find Lumi. He was at the airship just as he’d said, and he was wandering around with some strange kodin sized bird. With how this bird was dressed up and how it was following him around she assumed it was some sort of pet, so she mostly ignored the thing as she pleaded her case to Lumi. She explained how her uncle had gone missing the night before and how she was getting desperate. Lumi and his pet, Altair, agreed to help her search. Apparently Lumi was a sorcerer, and if Akos could give him one of her uncle’s belongings he’d be able to use his magic to track him down. She didn’t understand a word he said, but now wasn’t the time to question it. If Lumi needed this to find him she’d get it. So long as he was actually found. She handed over one of his hammers, Lumi cast the spell, and soon enough the three were off following this unseen trail of magic.

Lumi’s magic did work. It lead them a few houses down from Akos’. A building that had since been totally collapsed. The trail lead right underneath the rubble, and after several minutes of digging the group found Coon Dog. He’d been caught underneath the building when it collapsed and, unfortunately, he hadn’t made it.

This broke Akos. Coon Dog was the only person she had left. He was the only family she knew about and the only one who actually gave a damn about her wellbeing. He was gone, Silverstone was in ruin, and Akos was all alone. Wolverine Valley was a horrible place. She hated living here. She hated the chaos that seemed to follow her around, and she wanted nothing to do with any of it. For a time she was inconsolable, but eventually Lumi managed to calm her down.

Lumi was an interesting individual. He really reminded Akos of the people back in Falcon’s Corner. Back there everyone was willing to help out everyone. Everyone in town knew each other and everyone had each other’s backs. Silverstone wasn’t like that in the slightest, so talking to someone line Lumi was a breath of fresh air. He actually seemed to care. He was genuinely upset that they couldn’t save her uncle and he cried alongside Akos at the loss. He was such a genuine and easy to read person, and his attempt at consoling Akos prevented her from spiraling into a total mental break.

The two continued talking over the next several days. Akos didn’t want to be alone and Lumi was happy to let her tag along as he did his best to help out the lingering survivors in town. She didn’t do much to help, but talking to him was better than being alone. She learned a lot from their conversations over the following days. Why Lumi had come to Wolvern Valley, the basics of healing magic, his schooling at a university back at his home. It was a whole new world Akos had never experienced before. She’d never met a real sorcerer, so hearing him ramble on about how he went to school at a magic university and how said uni had sent him here to uncover a magic temple. It was amazing. Not only that, but the magic he used to heal people was unlike anything Akos had ever seen before. Life in “Astra”, Lumi’s home, sounded SO much better than life in Wolvern Valley, and she made this fact known.

At a certain point Akos floated the idea of moving away from the valley. Living here any longer would just be a constant painful reminder of her past tragedies. She needed a fresh start and, surprisingly, Lumi was all for the idea. He went off about how she could easily make the move if she got a “student visa” and how given the circumstances of things here it’d be easy to get her past the “country borders”. Admittedly Akos had no idea what the hell he was talking about, once again, but after several days of talking and working out details she understood enough to feel confident in her decision to leave. Starting up a forge was simple enough, and from the sounds of it Astra didn’t have much in terms of a smithy. At the very least there’d be work there for her.

Everything seemed fine at first, but Lumi’s little pet was less than thrilled about all of this. Apparently Altair wasn’t a pet, he was a Sinvian. Akos knew what a Sinvian was, although she’d never seen one up close like this. Why him being a Sinvian meant he wasn’t a pet she had no idea, but he was furious about Akos coming back to Astra with them.

Due to the terms of Akos’ student visa she had to be enrolled in Lumi’s school in order to be allowed to stay in the country. The only problem was, Lumi’s school was a school of the arcane. Not only that, but it was University level work. Akos didn’t even know the basics of magic, so Lumi had basically adopted her into his and Altair’s study group to help keep her grades high enough to remain enrolled. The entire trip back to Astra, a several week trip, Lumi helped familiarize Akos with the basics while Altair kept his distance. Akos’ only experience with birds was falconry, so she stuck to what she knew when interacting with Altair. This made him angry. The two didn’t have the best of introductions, and this misunderstanding would only further strain their “relationship” as time went on. Akos always viewed Altair as an annoying pet no matter how many times it was explained to her he wasn’t.

Getting settled into Astra was pretty simple. Astra was a lot like Falcon’s Corner in terms of community, even though the city was far more modernized than even Silversrtone was. Akos had never seen a city like this before! It was amazing! Not only that, but the building they managed to secure for her new forge was even better. The local apothecary in Astra was actually two buildings merged into one. The owner of the second wing of this building had passed away several years ago, and since then the place had been used as storage. It was simple enough to get Akos moved in, and with how in need of a smithy the town was locals were more than happy to help set up shop. Soon enough Akos had the most amazing forge she’d ever seen!

Getting over the loss of her uncle was rough, but with a good friend like Lumi by her side she was able to manage. This didn’t stop her from returning to her previous crushes, however. Akos still had those horrid images seared into her brain, and she still used Marrowmist to block them out. Marrowmist, alcohol. Whatever she could get her hands on. She still viewed alcohol as a way to unwind after work, but now that was paired with wanting to forget. Her drinking habits started to become a problem, but she was a “functional” alcoholic. As in, she was still able to do work at the smithy. It wasn’t the healthiest lifestyle, but she’d never known anything different. She was just doing what she’d always done, just now she was doing it more.

Her bad habits didn’t hinder her work at the smithy, but it sure as hell impacted her performance at school. Akos had more or less been absorbed into the project Lumi and Altair had been working on. The two had found a magic book while investigating the ruins in Silverstone and had apparently found some spell or something in there that got all the mages riled up. The basics of magic were somewhat interesting to Akos, but something like this was way over her head. She didn’t really care for higher level magic. Simple cantrips made life easier, but anything more complex than that seemed like a waste of time. It was a group project, so as long as she showed up she’d get credit. Lumi and Altair could do the complex work.

This definitely caused tension, but other than that Akos’ life in Astra has been pretty good. Over the past three years she’s been living there she’s really settled in to her niche in town. Her shithy, Sharptooth Smithy, managed to gain quite a bit of traction. Her work there introduced her to the local guild, Hallowed Hearts, and to the local Airship Landing Owner Mouse. Both the guild and Mouse are common and repeat customers, and Akos has made a point of getting to know all of them. She’s also become good friends with the local tavern owner, Hook. A natural turn of events considering her drinking habits. Life in Astra is pretty good, even if she does have to put up with Altair every now and then.


Altair Empyrean

Akos does NOT like Altair. Back in Wolvern Valley Sinvian are viewed as animals, and Akos just can’t snap out of that mindset. Yeah, he can talk and yeah, he’s clearly smarter than a normal bird, but a bird is a bird. She doesn’t trust his judgement and thinks he needs to be put in his place like the falcons she had back home. They… don’t get along. And they likely never will.

Lumi Twinkleton

Akos’ closest friend. Lumi has been one of the most generous people Akos has ever met, and while she might abuse his generosity every now and then she does genuinely value their friendship. Lumi is the kind of person who can befriend just about anyone, and it really shows in Akos’ case. Akos finds Lumi’s sorcery really interesting, even if she doesn’t understand it, and Lumi is happy to talk to Akos about pretty much anything. Its a simple friendship, but Akos doesn’t mind. They don’t need to have a super deep connection to enjoy spending time together.


Creation date: Aug 10th 2019

Alignment: Lawful Nuteral

Voice Claim: Kabae: Aggretsuko

Other: Akos was made for an RP server that I’m no longer active on. I still liked her, so I kept her. She was re-written to fit into Mirror Domain