
4 years, 8 months ago


Mother of Setshi, former lover of Bovar

A god of destruction

Mouth never moves when she talks. Eyes seem to be hollow voids. Her face is often confused with a mask, but it is actually part of her body. It's hard to the touch and has that slightly porous feel unpainted/unsealed pottery has.

Cares deeply about fashion and the way she dresses. While she would never express it, she does take other gods comments about her outfits to heart.

While her time with Bovar was nothing more than a brief fling, she does love the child (Setshi) they had together. She and Setshi no longer spend much time together due to his job, but cherish the moments they manage to have. Atame keeps the conversation focused on Setshi and things they enjoy since she wants to hear how his life is going. Plus, she is never up to much.

Even though their romantic relationship being a brief thing, Atame still does like Bovar as a person and considers him to be her friend. They never seek each other out, but often run into each other. When they do accidentally meet, the two will talk for a bit before once again parting ways.

Knows that she is often portrayed as evil by mortals, but doesn't care. She knows what she is doing is an important part of keeping the universe functioning. Destruction prevents stagnation. 

Able extend her neck. Sometimes periscopes like a snake does to get a better look at things. 

Spends most of her times simply wandering the universe. She doesn't have an established 'home' like some gods do. Atame does have favourite places though and will spend a while there when she decides to go back to them.