


7 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info









Price & Rules

Got at $20USD but worth $30, can resell, trade, gift ( )


I don't really like the strand of dyed hair... So prefer just brown with no pink and orange.


"Seriously just stop."

              - Mafiaverse

General Characteristics

Name: Luca
Titles: Youngest Soldier
Theme Song: (What song best describes you character?)
Species : Lovelenes has good body shape, higher level of intelligence, and longer age than human. Most likely they're better in any area than human but they cover it and use same level of ability to blend well with society. But Lovelenes has unstable emotion inside them, their feelings are overflown and unable to be controled sometimes. Maybe in the near future they can learn to control it (they thought), but sadly, no.

Lovelenes are omnivorous, they eats and work like human do.



Personal Characteristics

Primary Objective: Pay back the mafia for saving him--
Secondary Objectives: Protect boss's daughter---

Desires: To be with Sabrina
Secrets: (What does your character know that must not be told to anyone?) He is a mafia member; only his mafia family knows.
Quirks: (What about your character makes them different from everyone else?)




Power Characteristics

Ability: Shooting, LOVE LENS : the heart shaped eyes of lovelene's

Ll11 by machomilk (1) in love lens, ll tend to have higher level of strength, intelligence, and agility. it makes them move easier in killing or doing something they need.
the minus point is, love lens spend a lot of energy/stamina, they'll end up exhausted in the end of the love lens use.

left : lovelene in normal (human-ish) mode
right : lovelene in love lens mode
(some human who saw ll in love lens mode call them rage mode, because they rage and killing)

Love lens issue !
Most love lens has different color with their normal eye color, but some has same color - they are uncommon
Using love lens has side effect such as twisted personality, gluttony, a blood lust ; every lovelene get different side effect in using this
Love lens can be controlled with lot and lot practice

Element: ---

  • plus side in using love lens :  lovelene will get smooth skin, kira kira eyes. their wound heals quickly in this mode, and they anti aging too.


  • bad side after love lens use : exhausted.
    sometimes there appears other bad things like stomachache, dizzy, and super hungry.

Restrictions: ---

Likes and Dislikes

Likes: (What kinds of things does your character like? Dogs? Pizza? Alfred Hitchcock?)
Dislikes: (What kinds of things does your character no like? People? Burgers? Angry Birds?)



Story Information



Tropes and Clichés:


Anima: -
Persona:  -



A lovelene with unstable emotions after being abandon, was picked up by a mafia family and taken care of by Sabrina's father. He then grew up disciplined and more reserved unlike his past self.
Luca had always known of Sabrina's existence, rather Sabrina did not as she was hidden away from the mafia world her father lived in blissfully unaware.

He became the youngest member of the mafiaoso and ordered to protect the mafia don's daughter Sabrina who became a target of their rival mafia gang.

 Despite lingering feelings of being put on a 'joke' of a mission, he did follow orders knowing how much the mafia family cared for the little princess and would jeopardize their whole family if she were to be taken and used as ransom or killed.

 However he got close to Sabrina as a college friend and manager of her idol career and along the way developed feelings for her. However he doesn't want to be 'killed' by her father for having such feelings for Sabrina.


  • bleh bleh