


4 years, 8 months ago


Innocent Vessel


Name Reika

Age 14 years old?

Gender Female

Species Owl given humanoid form

SO ???

Occupation Student

Family Rank Orda (highest)

Theme This arrange of Flowering Night

As the young daughter of the head for the Noctua family and as the heiress of it, Reika was always doted on and protected quite intensely. She however, made friends with some of her classmates and eventually developed some skills overtime. Unfortunarely, Reika's life is plagued by the existence of someone called "Luos" in her body; "Luos" is the Noctua family's pseudonym for the ancestor of the entire family, and they refer to Luos as that because they think Reika wouldn't be able to fathom the truth, so they try to conceal the truth from her.
As for Reika herself, she is sweet and is surprisingly willing to do work, but she isn't that used to it and she hates asking for help.


always tries to prove herself
hates asking for help
Night (asides from being nocturnal, she likes how the world is peaceful and she loves the night sky.)
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Daytime (She's nocturnal, she sleeps during the day. Also the sun hurts her eyes rip)
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Upon first meeting, Reika is just like what one would expect the heiress of a noble family to be: elegant, polite, demure. Behind closed doors however... actually no, that'd be setting up false expectations.

Reika is indeed kind and polite; in public it might seem like an act that she's expected to maintain due to her position, but she is indeed actually that kind and polite. However, she is not as dainty and fragile as one might expect; she's actually a lot more brave than she looks. She doesn't show it that often because she's often kept away from danger, but in the face of such situations she is capable of handling herself for the most part. Speaking of that, she isn't easy to trick at all; kindness is not the same as naivete in her case at all. Despite that, she is actually quite loyal to people that she can call "close ones." She is also very determined to achieve her goals, even if again, she isn't really given that many opportunities to work; she also is responsible as well and can accept responsibility for wrongdoings, as well as have the honesty to admit to them. She also isn't easily distracted and prefers to look at situations realistically, not with too much optimism or pessimism. Reika is also quite creative and is fairly confident with her skills.

However, even with all her strengths, she still has flaws as well. Reika is incredibly forgetful at times; she tries her best to remember everything, but she struggles with memory and she often has to write things down as a result of her bad memory. Yet she hates asking for help herself; of course, she'd be glad to helo out others but she hates asking for help and hides her need for help if she ever runs into such a situation. This somewhat stems from the fact that she's always trying to prove herself; ironically, she isn't really that used to work. She won't give up at all, but she often stumbles a lot in regards to it. In general she hides her feelings a lot, both out of politeness and because she was raised to do so. However, she can be quite gloomy despite that. Reika also isn't the best at social situations; she is very awkward in conversations and such. Reika also has trust issues; they're not that intense (hoepfully) but they're still there. Reika also has high standards and expects a lot from the people out of her; if they don't meet her standards she won't get mad or anything, but she'll be disappointed. She'll hide her disappointment of course. Reika also tends to be bored quite easily.


When Reika was born, she was immediately crowned as heiress and her birth (and Reika herself by extension) was the talk of the family for a long time... everyone was completely unaware that the daughter of the Noctua heads would get involved in a plot involving the ancestor of the entire family.

Reika was born to the patriarch and matriarch of the family; upon her birth, she was protected extremely fiercely and this would continue into the present day. Reika however, still was a child and had social urges; she didn’t have many friends her age due to her family being fiercely overprotective of her and prohibiting her from going outside asides from academic-related reasons. She was constantly pressured into reaching extremely high goals and when she reached them, the goals were moved in order to pressure her into reaching the even higher goals. She was constantly told not to trust people because they could betray her in her darkest hour.

Yes, while this was indeed stressful… Reika wasn’t alone. She did have friends behind her family’s backs; she was able to vent her worries to them and to get a glimpse of the outside world because of them. After seeing how the outside world really was, she thought it wasn’t so bad; perhaps her family was just exaggerating it all? Overtime, Reika managed to develop a side wanting to prove herself; she thought it wasn’t fair that she was prevented from doing anything and that she was practically forced to sit around and look pretty as heiress… she wanted to earn her position. But she didn’t know how to; even if she was determined to prove herself, the concept of work was still extremely new to her and she definitely wasn’t used to doing it herself. She did try her best to develop whatever skills she would with her friends, and if anyone ever decided to pay attention to her during that time, they’d notice that Reika was growing up to be more responsible and mature.

However, relative undisturbed bliss cannot last. When she was left alone in the mansion one day, she was up to her own devices. She didn’t cause much trouble… at least, knowingly. She eventually became thirsty and without thinking, opened the fridge, grabbed an unlabelled bottle with a water-like liquid in it, and drank it. She had absolutely no way of knowing what she drank was a potion, it looked exactly like water on the surface; she couldn’t recall what had happened next. What happened next? Well, the potion she drank opened her body as a vessel for the ancestor of the family to be reincarnated in; that is, the ancestor could be reborn in her body as a spirit. The ancestor, in her body, explored the mansion and tried adapting to the present day world but they brought along their old mindset along with them; they were cunning and cold, unlike the calm and sweet Reika.

When everyone came back, they saw Reika in the kitchen unconscious; they first thought it was poisoning until they got her to the hospital, no traces of poison could be found. What they did find however, was the elixir she drank; as soon as they saw it they knew they couldn’t tell her. Simply put, she was not the intended recipient of it at all. They thought that she would not be able to fathom being a vessel for their ancestor; they started calling the spirit in her body “Luos” instead of their true name in order to prevent her from finding out. The family suspects that Luos is behind Reika's awful memory, but they do not ahve any evidence to back it up; all they know is that Luos is in Reika's body as another soul and that Luos could wreak havoc if not stopped.

But it’s only a matter of time when Reika finds out the truth...


Psychic Powers

If it involves a mind, Reika can do it; she was always born with this, but due to the presence of "Luos" in her body, her powers have grown stronger. Reika was always aware of this but never knew the full extent of her powers. However, there are limitations to her powers; she can't ever use it on more than a few people, and the more people she has to use it on, the weaker her effects will be on them.

Dream Walking

Reika can invade your dreams pretty much; she can also look into your waking mind, but she can actually influece how one's dreams can play out. However, her actions cannot and will not leak into reality.

owl time

Reika can turn back into an owl (and back to humanoid form) using her jacket, and she can fly with in in humanoid form. She is also capable of seeing in the dark and can turn her head around 270 degrees.



idk what their relationship is but it's important

some info about their relationship goes here. some info about their relationship goes here. some info about their relationship goes here. some info about their relationship goes here. some info about their relationship goes here. some info about their relationship goes here.

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  • Reika originally came from a dream of mine! The basics for her design and story plus her name came from my dream.
  • she was stuck in development hell for a month rip