


4 years, 7 months ago


Name: Titania
Nickname: Tia

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown
Birthday: Unknown 

Species: Celestial
Current Job: ???

Height: Tall 6'1 ft (185 cm)
Weight: Slender pear, thinner shoulders and wider thighs 

Personality: Titania is an independent and sweet girl. She loves music and everything musical. Tia knows how to currently play three instruments, the Flute, Harp, and Piano. Though she isn't very good at balancing play and work, it's either one or the other as her focus is very narrow. However Titania is enthusiastic about most things in life. She is compassionate and kind to those who need someone to talk too however if things get to heated she will avoid being in any confrontations. Tia won't show it often but when everything is quiet she often worries about life and personal things. She keeps her personal life mostly secret. When she is relaxing or taking a day off you will find her listening to music slowly nodding off with a smile.

Quirks: Titania is great at math and can solve high level math in her head quickly without mistakes. She always has sticky notes on hand and loves to leave others happy notes or leave a reminder for herself if needed. However Tias handwriting is hardly legible and makes it hard to read. Her small wings are more for decoration then use as she uses magic to get around if needed.

Dis-likes: dishonesty, rudeness, having to ask for help, closed spaces, broken promises, reptiles (Herpetophobia) 

Likes: music, craftmanship, travel, books, fun with friends, a good nap