Caraway Willowbite



4 years, 7 months ago


"I mean, I'm not that mean, but yeah."

GENDERMale [AFAB]HEIGHT173cm - 5'8"
PRONOUNShe/himOCCUPATION / CLASSTavern owner (former fighter)
AGE39 years oldVOICE...


+ Calm
+ Hardworking
+ Focused, serious
+ Caring
- Gruff
- Grumpy
- Adamant
- Too serious
~ Impassive
~ Moralistic

Caraway is a very, very serious man. He owns his business, and he knows how to run it. He's hardworking and very focused, rather adamant. It's hard to make him part from his usual way, it's hard to make him change his mind without a good reason and solid arguments. He's impassive.

He's a rather gruff and grumpy man though. While he warms up quickly to people he appreciates, he remains not that friendly on the outside. 

Caraway is quite moralistic, he will not hesitate to lecture people, to kick them out. That doesn't play in his favor, with his grumpy and gruff behavior, and he's not always the most liked among the most turbulent.

However, he remains very caring in the inside. He definitely has a little fatherly thing going on.


Being in charge
Running his business
Learning new languages
Yeeting people outside
Hanging with people during breaks
Having a chat with nice customers
Good beer, or good and tasty beverage in general
Good looking, tough and strong men   
Good food
Turbulent people (mostly in his establishment)
Being supervised
People having the wrong expectation of him
Being expected to be kind and flexible
People telling him he's mean... It's not wrong, but they shouldn't say it
Plain food
Muddle, mess
Unorganized things

Caraway is not especially built, he's a bit chubby and not very muscular. He leans a bit more on the taller side. He's hairy, and his bodyhair is dark.


He has a long, ashy-beige mane, really thick and soft. It's flowing free on his shoulders and back, a bit wavy. He has dark sideburns and a bit of a stubble, he's scruffy. His roots are darker, but his hair grow much lighter on the length. 

His ears are rather thin, not very thick, long and pointy. His left one is pierced, and it has 2 piercings.

Caraway has rather soft features, a slightly round face, and a pointy nose. His teeth are completely human looking. His eyes are bright pink and have a thin, rather droppy shape. He has really nice, well defined eyebrows. His left eyes and part of the face are scarred: 3 long vertical slit of red-ish skin.

His wings are long, slender, have a pink shade. The upper pair of wing are longer and have a short slit. The other pair is shorter, point to the down and don't have a slit.


Caraway is born in a fairy community in Desan. He grew up, learned to fight, spent a mostly average childhood though. Learning to fight was a way to cope with his aggressivity, to affirm his masculinity and to get ready to leave the community to explore around.


He left in his 20's and went around being an adventurer, he was a fighter. He learned many things, started finding out about his passion for learning new languages.

Through his adventures, he ended up fighting a large bear, who wounded his face. This made him think, this made him re-evaluate some things. He eventually realized he was actually craving for a much more settled down life, a less dangerous one. Because he had a chance so far, didn't mean he would never have another near-death experience. Besides, he realized he was most likely mostly enjoying fighting because of how it affirmed his masculinity as a trans man. He didn't want to fall into a toxic masculinity scheme.

At age 22, he started working in a tavern as a waiter. It was a tavern he found during his travel, in Yanguk, a country he started to appreciate a lot. Eventually, he climbed the ladder and ended up becoming the tavern owner.

Nowaday, he works as a tavern owner. He's a serious and responsible owner, and he enjoys having a nice chat with customers. He keeps learning languages for it to be easier to communicate with everyone.


Caraway can use basic fairy magic, that naturally runs through his veins. He's not to be underestimated. He can easily use telekinesis, make plants grow at extreme speed, and even more dangerous: He can charm people, put them under his hold and break down their lucidity.


  • He's polylingual and speaks many, many languages. He gets to practice a  lot in the tavern he owns, having chats with people from all the map.
  • He's been done with you as soon as you started messing around a bit.
  • He loves learning new things in general and is always ready to listen to a good story.
  • Sometimes, he straight up won't let people get into his tavern because he feels like this could end up badly. Though he doesn't hesitate to yeet people out if it doesn't go in a nice direction.
  • He doesn't think he's that bad, but he can understand why people don't like him.
  • He comes from a fairy community in the hot steppe between Desan and Aspil. It's a pink wing community.
  • He opened his tavern in a city of Yanguk. Somehow and despite his Desanian roots, he liked the cold weather better...

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The community - Family & Acquaintances

"That's a whole community, hard to describe it accurately, there are many different people in there. But they're okay."

He knows he can mostly count on most of these people, even though he lives far away now.

HTML by storyteIIer edited by Gakipper