
7 years, 9 months ago


Raymond Alder

Nicknames Ray

Gender Male

Race Werewolf, turned

D.o.B September 2

Orientation Straight

Height 5'10"

Weight 180 lbs

Occupation Cowboy & handyman for hire

Residence Coyote Bluffs, NV


Ray is an extrovert who pretends to be an introvert. He's jaded, pessimistic, aloof, and he knows his life would be empty without his friends and family, so he keeps them close. While he is very protective, looking out for others' health and safety, he is also very selfish, often putting his wants above others' needs without a second thought. He is very sentimental has a very hard time letting go, of people, places, or things. He's constantly teetering on the edge of realizing this, but being frustratingly stubborn doesn't help. Emotional intelligence of a flea.


Ray's lived in Coyote Bluffs since it could be called a real town. He didn't come from a very well-liked family, most folks only tolerated him for his usefulness. He had more bosses than friends in his early life, but managed to keep a few companions.

But they've all come and gone. All that's left of what the town once was is derelict buildings and a small community who seems to look to Ray to watch over them. He's not sure if he's cut out for the job, but that won't stop him from trying.


  • Horses
  • Sitting in his chair and smoking
  • Whiskey


  • Change
  • Movies
  • x


  • Fire
  • Loneliness
  • Any and all mentions of sex


Blossom • Granddaughter

Ray's been her guardian since the sudden death of her parents about 7 years ago. He loves her but lately they don't see eye-to-eye, and he can't seem to figure out what the problem is. Or maybe he's just playing dumb.

Mandy • Friend

Ray and Mandy have been good friends for years. He likes her no-nonsense attitude, even though he himself is full of nonsense. He says she keeps him grounded, though most of her advice to him doesn't seem to stick.

Cecelia • Acquaintance

Knows her through her aunt, he's friendly enough with her but she tends to make him uncomfortable unintentionally. Her offers to help him make him feel like a feeble old man.

Marlin • Complicated

Estranged son of his recently deceased best friend. Ray can't decide whether to be supportive or passive aggressive towards him, so he's usually both.

Vince • 

We don't talk about him!




  • Hard of hearing. Speak up!
  • text
  • text