


4 years, 8 months ago



Name Lusaire
Age 24 yrs
Gender Male
SpeciesForest Unicorn
Orientation Asexual
Race Draconic
Career Blacksmith
Role -


 like #1  like #2  like #3  yes yes you get the idea


 dislike #1  dislike #2  dislike #3  once again you probably get the idea


  • write something they typically do on day-to-day days
  • or something they generally enjoy doing
  • or something they generally enjoy
  • listen man I'm just trying to give you more bullet points here


Realm of Aranois

(pron. air-en-oi) A magical realm where many different clans of mythical creatures thrive.


Design Notes

Primary Color info
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Hair Color(s) info
Hair Style info
Eye Color(s) info
Eye Shape info

Designer info
Masterlist info

Other Details:

  • He can be drawn with other hairstyles!
  • His stripes are all symmetrical, but his scales are asymmetrical
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Lusaire is a chill, quiet individual who enjoys spending the majority of his free time by himself, honing his craft or just doing things he enjoys. That's not to say that he dislikes company, but he does get overwhelmed easily by being in crowded social environments for too long. When he's around those he knows well, however, he can be a bit of a dorky chatterbox, and will talk your ear off for hours about things he's passionate about. He's extremely patient and it takes a lot to make him genuinely angry, but when he does reach that melting point, it isn't a pretty sight. He avoids conflict wherever possible and prefers peaceful solutions to problems.



Deep within the magical forests of northeastern Aranois, there lived a clan of cave dragons who inhabited the vast subterranean caverns that lay beneath the land. They were a peaceful folk, and mostly kept to themselves, studying magic and learning new ways to create enchanted metalcraft. Their neighbors, the forest unicorns, lived alongside them in harmony, and the two clans would often come together to trade. One fateful day, the cave dragons were attacked by a rival dragon clan that sought to steal their metalcrafting methods for themselves. The forest unicorns came to the cave dragons' aid, and together, they successfully drove off the attacking dragon army, though much of their underground city was destroyed in the process.

Afterwards, some of the forest unicorns chose to stay and help the cave dragons rebuild. Out of gratitude for their kindness, the cave dragons offered a blessing. Those that chose to accept it participated in a rite and drank of cave dragon blood. These unicorns became known as 'Scaleblessed', and took on a draconic appearance that set them apart as protectors and friends of the cave dragon clan. It also enabled them to learn the innate metalcrafting abilities that the cave dragons were so known for. Ever since that rite, the descendants of those unicorns have born the draconic attributes of their ancestors with pride.

Lusaire is one such Scaleblessed. He was born deep underground within the cave dragon city, and his father's blacksmithing techniques were passed down to him at an early age. He spends much of his time experimenting with magical enchantments and methods to improve his craft.


  • While he has wings, he is flightless, and can really only use his wings to glide down a little to break long falls. They're too small and too tattered to actually be used for flight.
  • He can summon will-o'-the-wisps and magical fire.
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Code by MCDogWarrior