Puck's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Cannot be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

PeachDango Global Rules

Purchased designs may be sold for the price purchased at, or for more if purchased art is added, please price according the amount spent on art. <3 

Free adopts may not be sold/vouchered unless they come with purchased art, and may only be sold at the price of art paid. Unless sent rules are different.

Design game adopts may be gifted or traded, but may not be sold/vouchered unless they come with purchased art. Please price at the amount paid on art. Unless sent rules are different.

Gifts I would prefer to not be sold/vouchered at all, as they are gifts, but if your in a bind, you may sell them in accordance to the amount of purchased art put into them < 3

Designs given in Forum Games  May not be sold/vouchered unless they come with purchased art, in that case, you may sell them for the amount of art purchased,  but can not add value of the original adopt

None of the characters I design may  be used commercially unless it has been discussed BEFORE you receive the adopt.

Please remember my designs can not be made into a species - closed,  open or semi-open. Please respect this rule!

YOU MAY NOT DELETE ADOPTS/Character I made OFF OF TH. THEY MUST remain on TH. Please do not remove me as the designer. If adding yourself as a designer for a new version of the character, make sure you add me as a designer as well. Otherwise TH boots the character from my Designer Tab, as if I did not make it. Showing me as the creator still, does not keep the original design in my Tab, and to many people have been stealing characters this way. Failure to follow these will result in black listing.  

If you ever decide you do not want them, please feel free to return them to me. I tend to fall in love with all my designs < 3 

If you have put money in them still feel free to offer them to me, I may purchase them or offer art in turn for them too < 3