Teca Nazario



4 years, 7 months ago


Teca Nazario


Called Teca
Birthday July 15
Sign Cancer
Species Aardwolf
Gender Alpha
Occupation Professional Gamer | Streamer
Mother Gayle Sydne
Father Sydne Sydne
Status Mated
Lover Celeste Nazario

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  • Teca's very shy and has trouble opening up to people. While he's gotten better at it, thanks to Etienne, he still gets overwhelmed easily if too many people are around.
  • There are times when Teca is very insecure and self-conscious about himself. However, he does his best to push those emotions and thoughts out of his mind and keeps moving forward even if he's uncomfortable.
  • Teca's got a cheerful personality, and he's incredibly loyal to Celeste, his family, and Etienne.
  • There are times when Teca becomes competitive, though that's only when he's gaming during tournaments.


  • Video games
  • Cooking
  • Swimming
  • Telling bedtime stories
  • Playing with his kids


  • Haircuts
  • Loud noises
  • Sore losers
  • Toxic players
  • Bright Sunlight


  • Etienne is the only one he trusts to cut his hair.
  • He's fluent in Japanese.
  • His hair fluffs up when he's excited, scared, or angry.
  • He learned to cook French cuisine purely for Etienne.
  • Teca doesn't typically brush his hair as it sorts itself out on its own.


1847 Lotus Way, Charlotte Park, Silverlea
1847 Lotus Way, Charlotte Park, Silverlea


A professional gamer by trade and a vlogger by hobby, Teca is always doing something, whether streaming games, vlogging, cooking, or taking care of children. Teca grew up with his parents in a two-bedroom house as an only child. He wasn't necessarily a sheltered child, but he didn't have many friends when he was in school. His lack of interest in sports or high energy activities made him a target for bullies, which he did his best to ignore. There were times where he silently took the bullying but rarely told an adult about the issue.

It wasn't until high school that he started to come out of his shell a bit. He still didn't have the drive to participate in sports or outdoor activities, but he was bullied less and typically left alone since he'd presented as an alpha. When Celeste transferred to his school, he became hyper-aware of him and often stayed close to him, even if he didn't say anything. His presence came in handy when some other alphas were harassing Celeste, and Teca came to his defence.

The two became close, and after high school, Teca and Celeste mated so Celeste could go to college while Teca stayed home to do the job he wanted to do most, game. After some months, he became a viral streamer, and his fanbase kept growing until it outgrew his platform, and he had to move to another one. He loves streaming for people to watch, but his time is split between his cooking channel, games, and children.

When Teca met Etienne, he was intimidated at first, but Etienne helps him open up and is now Teca's best friend. The two get along wonderfully, and Teca loves cooking for Etienne and surprising him with different foods. They also work on Teca's cooking show together.