Jim Jam Jimbles Jimborino



4 years, 7 months ago


A totally clueless horny on main fool! Never let him out of your sight or he may try and hit on a really evil dude and get himself into trouble that you'll have to save him from or get someone else to do it. Or leave him to his doom, its fine theres a million other jays in existence

The First Jay managed to make it out and about alive thanks to Marty McFly in another timeline he managed to slip himself into whom was ALSO out of his own timeline and reality. Did I mention he has a time machine and is a timetraveler from the year 2939 because thats a fact. He also uses his device without reasoning because he just wants to hit it up with dudes across all eras and happens to commit time crimes that he has to face against and do the time for. Also he screws his lawyer over in a court case but thats another basket of apples. 

After 2 years of his 4 year sentence back in the future in space prison he manages to escape with the help of some guy who looked like a space cowboy and also another inmate who he felt actual doki's for named Czes(he belongs to a friend of mine)! He's also like a space cowboy but also a cyborg and also Venom and Eddie's son, ask no questions. 

now they live together, occasionally visit the other jays, but most of all spend their HONEYMOON TIME cuddling and romantically holding hands bc Jay is very happy to be married with a guy who loves him a lot