Kalina Xantho



4 years, 7 months ago


Name: Kalina Xantho

Nickname: Kal, Leen, Lina

Age: 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

Birthday: February 15

Sign: Aquarius

Gemstone: Amethyst 

Blood Type: O-

Fav. Food: Snow Crab Legs

Hated Food: Kale

School: Crystal Academy


Violin: It’s such a delicate instrument, with such soothing sounds. Plus it makes you look terribly elegant while playing it, Kalina just had to start taking lessons. She’s been at it for about six years now, and loves every minute of the violin. One of her dreams for the future is to join a big orchestra and be able to really spread her music around…either that or become famous like Lindsey Stirling, that would be pretty damn awesome as well. She’s working on getting her parents to buy her an electric violin for that purpose alone. 

Swimming: There’s really no point in life outside of the water. Kalina feels like she was born to be in the water…maybe she was a mermaid in another life. For most of her life she lived on the west coast of Florida and spent her afternoons and weekends splashing around in the Gulf, loving every minute of it. When she moved to Destiny City and began attending Crystal Academy, trying out for the swim team was the thing she was most looking forward to, and she made the team with ease. Her home has its own indoor pool and she spends at least an hour a day practicing and honing her skills…and most of the time she spends at least another hour just splashing around like an idiot. Who wouldn’t love the water?

Writing: Kalina began writing when she was able to hold a pencil. First it was nothing more than scribbles on a piece of paper, but the stories were there, just not written. When she had a much firmer grasp of literacy, words began to flow quickly from pencils, then pens, and finally from the keys on the keyboard from her computer. There is never a time that Kalina goes out that she isn’t armed with a pencil and notepad, just in case inspiration strikes. She will be the next J.K. Rowling. You just mark her words. Seriously. Mark them.


Confident: Whoever said money doesn’t buy confidence is dead wrong. Really. Dead wrong. Having the means to afford lessons and private tutoring, supply the biggest backbone for confidence that a kid can get. You don’t get bullied when you’re in the private schools and you’re part of the wolf pack of popular kids. You don’t deal with that many of the issues that drain your confidence…and there’s really nowhere to go but up. Kalina is never seen without her head held high. She knows she is the shit, and the best part is…she knows that you know that she’s the shit…so what on earth is there to ever worry about? 

Social: People matter. Being able to be a people person matters. She might not make all of her appointments with her friends and acquaintances, but she tries to at least make the important ones. She knows that the knowing of people is very important for a successful life full of success. Kalina does like people, she really does…and being a social butterfly is not only fun, it is beneficial. So that’s such a great thing. 

Refined: Acting in a way that is acceptable, or even excelling in a social capacity is a thing that is important. And a thing worth cultivating…so she has cultivated. She knows all of her pleases and thank you’s…to the extreme. There is an art to being a proper lady…the closest thing to an old fashioned aristocrat…or at least that’s what she is in her mind, sometimes. Kalina knows how to act polite and perfect. She knows how to be the sweet little rich girl that she was brought up to be. 


Unreliable: Kalina would say that it’s not so much that she’s unreliable…she just has such a full schedule…you don’t really fit in it, so sorry…Even if you do fit in it, sometimes other things come up that are just too important and you kind of…fall to the wayside. It’s nothing against you, seriously…she’s just a busy girl. No big deal. She’ll get you later on down the road. Oh…this was the ninth time this has happened? Yeah. Oops.

Uncompassionate: For all of her life it has been the Kalina show. Just the Kalina show. Nobody else. Why would anyone else really matter? What is the point of caring about all of your issues…even if you are friends. Kalina doesn’t even know if she really can understand why anyone would be upset around her, unless it was something that was going on in her life, of course. Because that is what matters. Her own life. Not yours. She doesn’t give two cookies about your worries, she really doesn’t…but she is pretty okay at smiling and nodding…or frowning and nodding, if the issue calls for it…though sometimes those two things get confused, so…

At least she tries. Sort of.

Conceited: Of course there is such a thing as overconfidence, and soemtiems with great confidence…comes great stuck-up snobbishness…which happens all too often for Kalina. Quite often it is difficult to remember that other people haven’t lived lives like she has, and when they aren’t as talented and successful as she is…well…she judges. Maybe not with words but with her attitude. Her nose is up in the air more than it is level with her face and…well. That is never a good thing. Resting Bitch Face can be a really chronic issue for Kalina…Even though when the Resting Bitch Face is active…it normally means you’ve done something unworthy.

Sapphirine, Corrupt Senshi of Orcas

True Senshi Name: Sailor Lilium

Sailor Scout Attack: Fluke Slap! (Kind of like this. owo)
Sapphirine raises both of her hands and brings them crashing back down to her sides. When the attack is started, it causes a fluke made of senshi magic energy which comes crashing down on an opponent, who is within ten feet of Sapphirine, stunning them for fifteen seconds. This attack can be used twice per battle. The attack may leave the recipient with a headache, or mild disorientation.

Super Sailor Scout Attack: Fluke Power Slap!
Sapphirine raises both of her hands and brings them crashing back down to her sides. When the attack is started, it causes a fluke made of senshi magic energy which comes crashing down on an opponent, who is within ten feet of Sapphirine, stunning them for twenty five seconds. This attack can be used twice per battle. The attack may leave the recipient with a headache, or mild disorientation.

Eternal Sailor Attack: Orca Ram.
Sapphirine raises both hands and makes a pushing motion towards an opponent, and a human sized energy orca comes out, charging right at them, with enough force to knock the opponent over. This attack may cause mild to major bruising, depending on the level of the opponent, and also depending on what they fall on/fall against. The range of this attack is fifteen feet. This attack may be used once per battle.