


4 years, 7 months ago



Quiet • Naive • Curious
Basic Info
Relationship Status[Taken]

Color Palette



Serenity is a quiet girl due to her fears of other people. She grew up in a toxic home enviornment so when she was given the chance to live in the dorms she took it. Serenity is very introverted and is picky on who she hangs out with/interacts. Though she gets attached/becomes friendly too easily. If the other person approaches her first she becomes a semi-open book, but is very cautious around Jocks and such. Her weakness are cute boys, if one talks to her she becomes easier to talk to.
Her parents shielded her from the world and neglected to truly teacher her things... A reason why she is curious about the world and is extremely gullible to things. She tries her hardest to learn new things and not fall for lies so easily, though its hard for her since she tries to be understanding.
Her family is apart of an organization/group, named the Overseers, that defends the world from Nightmares, beings from the darkness almost like evil spirits. They all have bits of the darkness that they can manipulate. Serenity can create a scythe with her's. She is also able to recruit for their cause, since Overseers need to work in either groups of 2 or more. However since she moved out on her own, she is the only one in her area... But due to the toxic enviornment her family raised her in, she's afraid to create a partnership. She can also use her ability to it's maximum limit named: Twilight Hysteria; which envelops her body in dark runes and her scythe becomes double edged... Its extremely draining on her body and mind, a reason why she can only use it once a year.

Serenity's personality does change a bit when her mask is off. Since she only takes it off if she feels comfortable around the person. She is more expressive and slightly more active than when she has it on. Even though her fangs are her major insecurity, she likes to stick her tongue out playfully to show her comfort. She can get a bit carried away at times as well.
She can be a bit camera shy, but will ultimately smile for the camera.

Design Notes
  • Fangs under mask (if not wearing mask)
  • Crescent moon with small dot birthmark on her left inner thigh
  • She has lots of freckles on nose bridge and below eyes
  • Her hair has pink to blonde gradients
  • Her eyes are sleepy/glaring
  • Her hair is shorter than when she is older! (A recent change as of Sept. 2, 2020)
  • 2 dark Marks and dark chains on her right arm (they look like tattoos) and bonded pair brand on her chest.
  • Shorter than Nathan!
  • If you draw her with her scythe please do not draw her horns or tattoos ;u; (her scythe comes from the horns and tattoos)

Serenity grew up in a toxic enviornment which caused her to be an introvert. Most of her time she spent behind a book just to avoid her family. Another thing that kept her sane was photography, she would go to multiple botanical gardens (in secret) just to take pictures and make those pictures into scrapbooks. She has many volumes of these scrapbooks. She'd lie about where she got the images to her family by saying she got them from magazines.
Serenity tried to created a Bond-pact; something only an Overseer can do if they have strong feelings for an individual since it practically bonds them for life, it can't be undone; however it failed since the other lacked balance. The person ended up abandoning her and treated her like an outcast and a weirdo. However she's a vulnerable girl who opens up easily to those who tret her with kindness and respect. She typically lowers her guard around nice people since she hopes they will be different.

  • Cherry Blossoms
  • Photography/Scrapbooking
  • Nature
  • Bunnies
  • "The Jock"
  • Her parents
  • Showing her fangs
  • Losing the one she loves
  • She gets major Dejavu when she looks at Nathan.
  • The horns on her head are actually pieces of darkness what she can manipulate into objects. She always morphs it into a Scythe. If she were to throw it, it would come back like a boomerang.
  • She's the reason I'm obsessed with braided characters xD
  • I bought her the day before my husband and I's anniversary ♡ And nathan on our anniversary, so now we associate them as us ^-^