
4 years, 7 months ago



° Mutation: None

° Eyes: Normal

° Horns: Tiny 

° Ears: Wings

° Tail: Arrow 

° Wings: Inorganic wings (Was thinking of something like Flandre Scarlet's wings, with green crystals)

° Body: Pale skin no marks

Jelly taste: Pear

Age of death: 16

Age since being reborn: 1 year 8 months

Current Master: Galiena Schulte (36, Noble), her husband Bruno Schulte (40, Noble), her daughter Ada Schulte (6, Noble), and her sons Clove Schulte (12, Noble, Student) and Hartmut Schulte (12, Noble, Student) sl...uty... do...


Oh god oh god oh god he's killing everyone he's going to get us oh god...!

I'm enjoying this! A new life, with a new chance at everything! No working all the time, no thinking about bad things, just living life with a new purpose! I can see my brother being broody about it, heh. He's being silly, to be honest! I like what we have now, despite working under someone again, but she's nice and we're all enjoying being with each other! And the other Dropzillas are really nice too! Like one giant family, I'm enjoying it! We'll live this new life to the fullest, I swear!

With a Hop, Skip, and a Beat...!