


4 years, 7 months ago


  • Timid
  • Apprehensive
  • Attuned
  • Instinctive
  • Self-suppressing
What Their Dreams Are Like:

Vivian is a sort of oracle, currently serving as the Prophetess for King Avel, a war-mongering individual with a severe case of megalomania. She is considered personal property of Avel, and her divinations are almost always solely for his ears only. She has never been out of the palace, having been born and raised inside its confines for her entire life. She comes from a line of Seers, inheriting her power from her mother’s side.

Using her clairvoyant abilities, Vivian is able to get a glimpse into the future or on extremely rare occasions, predict an event. The only way she can receive such information, however, is through dreams. True prophecies are vague, few, and far between, and many times they don’t make sense to Vivian, or the interpreters. Though, for the most part, her sleep is completely dreamless.

Avel uses Vivian to reaffirm his status as a ruler and General, and pesters her daily for information regarding anything that might disrupt his perfect kingdom. He is obsessively protective of her and will never let her out of his sight unless she is escorted by high ranking guards. Vivian is considered one of Avel’s most valuable and beautiful prized possessions.