
Name: Suzy Aqua

Age: 14-15

Ethnicity: American

Height: 5'1 ft (152 cm)

Birthday: January 6
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Languages: English

Personality: Suzy is quiet and reserved, and tends to come off as rude or mean. She dislikes talking to others, and often bosses people around, taking control of situations. She's impatient and a perfectionist, but knows how to manipulate people into getting what she wants. She likes to keep to herself most of the time, and doesn't like involving herself with others.

Likes: reading, controlling situations, being on top
Dislikes: loud noises, crowds, people not listening to her

Extra Facts:
- Suzy's magical ability is ice manipulation, allowing her to create ice from her body.
- She is an only child, and lives with her mother.
- She comes from a family of powerful ability users.
- Her mother's ability is shape shifting, her father's ability was frost breath.
- Suzy's mother eloped with her father and had her when she was 17. Her father died a year later, causing her mother to return home. Due to this, Suzy was raised by her grandparents and aunt until her mother was able to finish school and properly take on her role as a mother.
- Suzy gets along well with her aunt, Marigold, on her mothers side, and the two are very close.
- She's gone to magic based schools since she was a kid.
- Her favorite books are mystery novels, and she doesn't like romances.
- Her favorite color is aqua.