Magnus Solis



4 years, 7 months ago



Name Magnus Solis
Alias Firebird
Age 21
DoB May 10
Gender Male
SO Bisexual
Height 24 cm
Build Toned, Strong
Race Feline
Origin Catalena
Role Fighter
Alignment Chaotic Good
Demeanor Arrogant, Extroverted

He's got fire running through his veins, that's for certain.


  • The Sun
  • Fighting
  • Battle Strategy
  • Flower Arrangements


  • His Pride
  • Water
  • Firescud Bites
  • Battle Scars



Noble Strong Willful Arrogant Egotistical Prideful

Magnus is a noble, and strong young tom. Ever since he was young, he'd been considered a prodigy in his skill and power when it came to battle. Strong in both mind and body, he was praised for his greatness and potential, leading him to develop a humongous ego, and a need to be recognized. He can come off as very prideful, and he does little to try and improve himself in terms of his attitude, known for his arrogance and gloating to many cats. Now, he knows that his pride is a fatal flaw. He has acknowledged it as a problem, and yet Magnus does little to nothing to overcome his great big ego. Although he may seem like someone that many cats tend to avoid, it's quite the opposite. Many look up to him for his great strength and skill in battle. But of course, there are those who see him in a negative light.

Magnus might seem like a cat that isn't very pleasant to be with, but in fact, those that have grown to know him are familiar with his sweet and caring side. Bluebird is his closest friend, and she trusts him with her life. She knows first-hand how wonderful it is to know Magnus. It comes as no surprise, however, that like all true friendships, the pair have had their differences and fair share of bouts; one being a great argument that almost cost their friendship, because of his pride and her self-doubt. They overcame their differences and ever since then, they've grown closer than ever. Overall, Magnus can be considered as more of a fighter than a lover; but when he does love, his heart gets even bigger than his ego.


Born in a big town, Magnus was the second eldest child in a litter of four. He had two brothers and an elder sister, and parents who were well-off, but not wealthy enough to be considered "rich". His parents were both retired fighters, meeting and becoming partners in the guild they left behind to start their life anew. They had dreams for their children, but were knowing and kind enough to respect the decisions that their little ones would make in the future- and whether they would decide to join guilds or not. Magnus showed interest in becoming part of a guild ever since his parents told him stories of their adventures and thrilling experiences in the past. Together with his older sister, Sousia, he began training with another ex-fighter that his parents had been acquainted with from the life they led previously. His name was Galos, and he'd been mentor and lead warrior of the guild his parents served under. And though he was retired, he had enough fight and will left in him to take Magnus and Sia under his wing. His little brothers, Oliver and Mikos didn't want to take part in it and instead desired to become strong mages. Being closer with Mikos more than his other siblings, Magnus learned a bit of magic from his little brother. And although he was said to not be a very good mage, Magnus believed in him and continued encouraging him, having faith that little Mikos would one day prove those who doubted him wrong.

In training, Magnus was said to have shown the most promise. His intellect and skills were on par with those of experienced fighter, as Master Galos had told him. He was praised and put on a pedestal, never failing to meet and rise above the expectations that were put upon him. Even his seniors in training began to note his strength and prowess in battle. He sparred like a fighter with years of knowledge and practice, and had a mind that could calculate at a tremendous speed. Sia grew jealous of him, but nevertheless, she was proud of her brother. Soon, Magnus felt entitled to fame, being well-known even in other towns. Neither his parents nor did those around him try to correct his attitude, though eventually, they noticed it had become quite the problem. But Magnus never took heed of their words. After all, he did have the adroitness to prove everything. He'd been sought after by plenty of guilds, asking him to join their ranks and bring glory to the guild's name. He'd turned down every single request, and at the age of 19, decided he would set out into the world and find the right guild, armed with his great skill and somehow, an even greater amount of pride.

In his journey, he met Bluebird and immediately felt drawn to her. He had never really believed in destiny or whatever fate was; and yet, somehow, he knew that he would belong with her. It was strange for him to immediately seek out her company and join the guild of a cat only a year younger than he was. And although it took a span of months for them to recruit other cats, Magnus is certain that he belongs in Moonwatchers' by Bluebird's side.



CharismaĀ 70%

KindnessĀ 60%

TemperĀ 50%

IntegrityĀ 80%

CourageĀ 100%

HumorĀ 55%


AttackĀ 100%

DefenseĀ 95%

MagicĀ 45%

ResistanceĀ 85%

SpeedĀ 90%

StaminaĀ 90%


AppealĀ 80%

ConfidenceĀ 100%

IntellectĀ 90%

MannersĀ 65%

OptimismĀ 70%

LuckĀ 60%



Skill Name

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Skill Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam bibendum molestie ipsum. Morbi sit amet libero velit. Maecenas ut metus molestie, malesuada erat ultrices, sagittis nisi.

Skill Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam bibendum molestie ipsum. Morbi sit amet libero velit. Maecenas ut metus molestie, malesuada erat ultrices, sagittis nisi.


  • Magnus' most favored hobby may come as a surprise to many, as he isn't exactly the type they'd think to go out and collect flowers to make beautiful arrangements. Most of the floral decor within the guild's rooms are made by him.
  • Since he was a kitten, without any sort of trauma or certain encounter with the clear liquid, Magnus has been rather wary and admittedly, fearful of water. He cannot explain it, but he feels a deep, loatheful connection with the element of nature.
  • Magnus is talented at hiding his emotions. But his tail can be a dead giveaway.
  • If he weren't a fighter, Magnus would want to become a mage like little Mikos. He's admired them for their enchanting powers and hardly explainable abilities.




Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.
