


4 years, 7 months ago



Code SP13676
Gender Male
Height 7’8ft
Species Sleep Demon
Skills  Shapeshifting and Paralysis


  • Torturing Others
  • Playing mind games
  • Causing fear in others
  • Learning new abilities


  • Good Dreams
  • Dreamcatchers
  • Sleep Medication
  • Being Outsmarted

Manipulative . Sadistic . Intimidating

A trickster and sadist by nature, Rem is a nightwalker, a demonic being which specialises in partaking in and causing sleep paralysis and terrifying nightmares. Intrigued by the easy and new victims who partake in various sleep experiments, Rem made his home within the abandoned building which housed many other experiments and AI software which had turned against their human captives. However, this lack of victims after the building was abandoned left him with unease, however when he learnt that humans are still trying to take the building back, he became more relaxed and takes great pleasure in torturing those who enter his home.

Rem has many different abilities all of which are specialised to induce as much pain and fear into his victims as possible. In addition to being able to cause nightmares and sleep paralysis, he is also able to enter the physical world and cause havoc there as well. He can paralyse a person in place, which is used to make the person panic as he will make disturbing visuals or sounds around them. The more the person panics the longer the paralysis will last. He is an expert in detecting and unlocking a person’s worse fears and memories in order to break them mentally and can use his shapeshifting abilities to mimic the appearance and other senses related to that fear or memory. Unlike the other experiments, Rem isn’t really interested in killing his victims, but much prefers to drive them mad and watch them fall into complete insanity.

 “Let your fear consume you.”

HTML by lowkeywicked