The Gargoyle



4 years, 6 months ago



Name Belphegor Deinos; Bastiel
Titles Abysmal Priest, Apocryphal
Age Old adult, undead; ancient
Gender Masculine, male; he/him
Species Irían Gargoyle
Height Taller than #15
Scent Cinders, effluvium
types The Reformer, Chaotic Evil, ISTJ-A
Origins Irías
Sexuality Pansexual, aromantic
Zodiac Unknown
I am the patron saint of your demise.


Stately Solemn Quiescent Vapid Sardonic Indolent
Apathetic Methodical Brutal Overweening Bloodcurdling Egomaniacal

A cold, solid and methodical mind. Assertive and self-centered to the extreme of the non-existent, placing himself first in everything he have does. Everything that comes out of mouth needs and will be right, everything is gingerly thought out beforehand. No one else matters but himself, it will only matter one day if his throne or immortal life is ever at stake.

Reticent and indifferent toward third parties or subjects around him, mainly because he is not in his critical interest or because he is too lazy or self-centered to move and spend his 'precious time' on mortals and useless ongoings in his distorted conception.

Irrationally impossible with attempts to try to change Bastiel's mind about facts, thoughts, subjects that are in his power. When certain of anything, nothing else will change his mind unless proven in front of him, and will still be suspicious about it.

Sadistic, shameless and bawdy about sexual topics, no problem talking about or jumping to the main topic. Hates being only in a theory of something like, he needs to act and promptly when he feels like it. Decides when such things may or may not happen. Dominant in the majority of the things, difficult to lower him to a low level from where he is.

Imperious and dominant. A born leader, created to command troops, legions and everything passing his path. Born with blood in his eyes to achieve the greatest throne and all the power it contained, ambitious and taught that would never get what he wanted if he did not at least cheat once in his life. Still continuously craving for more power.

Don't mind company from strangers, unless when crowds approach him, he'll unmannerly ignore and simply leave remorselessly. Very offish and oblivious, does not usually give life to superfluous or generally shallow subjects, unless something really catches his attention or there will be a benefit for him when in the end. Will easily answer common questions, but never wonder why he was asked for, never continues any subject if not interested in.


the gargoyle

A rare, purebred creature, although a common subordinate amidst many to his masters. A higher dictator over his henchmen and those below the hierarchy of his realm, upholder and beholder of what comes and goes from within Irías or for what could somehow threat the world by any means. Far feared by everyone around him there, especially due to the great closeness he endues to his masters and the power granted by them to the beast. Merciless for those who despise him, not tolerating even the slightest of the disrespects towards him. Abuses his power to do whatever he wants when not in the sights of higher, gossipy minds, even though the inhabitants of that deplorable land cry out for chaos and destruction, carefree and fools.


A rare species originating from Irías; Llunnigan. A massive, monstrous creature with chimerical resemblances. With big ram's horns and stone skin, it takes the form of a large, strong feline; along with grabby, clawed forepaws.

Has a pair of wings hidden under his stone shell, two bulges can be seen above his back where the closed wings settle when not flying. The skin breaks when they arise.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Suspendisse id venenatis massa. Aliquam ornare, nibh sit amet interdum elementum, leo sem laoreet nibh, at sollicitudin diam ipsum eu risus. Aenean gravida eu nibh id tincidunt. Pellentesque lorem mauris, cursus sed ligula eget, cursus posuere risus. Phasellus vel enim volutpat, sagittis augue at, condimentum ex. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent consectetur semper ligula, nec pretium tellus iaculis at. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus gravida pellentesque dui. Vestibulum vel dui sed odio vehicula finibus sit amet non mauris. Donec ut posuere dolor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam et nibh lorem.

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