Caleb Dilts



4 years, 6 months ago


Name: Caleb Dilts

Nickname: None…feel free to offer.

Age: 15, 16, 17,18, 19

Birthday: January 10

Sign: Capricorn

Gemstone: Emerald, he prefers the Tibetan version of the January birthstone to the more traditional Garnet.

Blood Type: O-

Fav. Food: Naan bread in any form, topped with anything. Just give it to him. He doesn’t even care that bread makes you fat. He wants it. He wants it all.

Hated Food: Tripe. It was one exotic thing that he tried…that was just. Awful. The animal offal…was truly awful.

School: HITS All the way. Use that brain. Use it!

Eating: Caleb really likes food. Like, if food were something he could have an endless amount of, he would certainly do so. Now, he doesn’t like cooking, in fact…he despises cooking. Cooking is the biggest waste of time anyone can do. He just wants to eat…and he wants to eat everything. Everything under the sun. One day, he wants to be on one of the food shows where all you do is eat…Caleb Vs. Food…Caleb and the bazaar things he likes to eat…Caleb, diners and dives…the possibilities of names for his renowned show are completely endless. And completely delicious.

Robotics: Robots are the way of the future. Caleb honestly believes that if he really gets big on making things…robotic…well. That is his best bet of shaping the future. He is in the best possible school for robotics in the city, and goes to an after school meeting about it daily. It’s not only something that’s going to be important for every day life as the years progress, it’s also terribly fun. The way different programs can make the machine do different things…it’s just fascinating. Honestly. There is really nothing that Caleb likes to do more than tinker with robots. Unless it’s eating. He really, really, really likes food.

Most of the television shows and films that Caleb owns are animated. His favorite thing to do is to watch the latest cartoon, be it hand drawn or CG, he really doesn’t care. It’s just like robotics, he likes seeing just how they do it. It is so fascinating that people can just take stagnant drawings or computer images and give them so much life. It is astounding. He’s tried his hand at it with some computer programs and in flip books, but he lacks any real artistic ability, so as much as he would love to be an animator…well. He can try all he wants, but his life is not meant to be used in the animation biz. He’ll always love watching it though, that’s for sure.


Creative: When Caleb has ideas, boy does he ever have ideas. He likes to find fun and innovative solutions to issues that he has, and that other people have. It’s pretty outstanding to find something that a person can do to change the way the world does something else, and Caleb wants to be a person like that. He frequently comes up with new things to make and new ways to do things…and of course that just keeps things interesting. Nobody has ever accused Caleb of being a one shot wonder, that’s for sure.

Enthusiastic: Excitement is a standard thing for Caleb. When things happen that he enjoys, he is the man. When there’s a competition going on, or some sort of contest for anything, he is right there, he is cheering on the sidelines, or he is in the thick of it all, he is just excited to do. Doing is what is important. When he does things…damn, does he love doing thigns. He is a lot like a dog…when the doing is good…do it! And do it with all that you have!

Caleb just likes things…so very much

Considerate: You matter, did you know that? You matter very much, and Caleb thinks you matter. He values your opinion and will do what he has to do in order to make sure you’re not too terribly offended by the things he says or does…He really doesn’t enjoy offending people, but sometimes he does know that it happens…he just does his best to do it in the most gentle way possible.

Because you’re worth it.

Lazy: Ideas are things that are easy to come up with, stupidly easy to come up with, in fact. They flow like the mighty river…The mighty river indeed. The hardest part about life, is actually getting the drive to do the things that the ideas demand. Caleb doesn’t like to start things the river flows all the damn time, but the drive to start things just isn’t there. He would much rather bask in the things he had already done. Or eat. He really, really does just love to eat things. That is so much better than being productive.

Opinionated: Did you know that Caleb knows things, and is pretty sure he knows far more than you about the subjects you think you know a lot about? Did you also know that the things he thinks are literally the best things ever? He knows what he knows, and if you don’t think that what he thinks is the right thing to think…well. Be prepared for attitude to the max. He has opinions. And he is not afraid to ruin friendships, or any other sort of relationships if you decide to challenge the opinions he has.

Arrogant: There is nobody out there in the world quite like Caleb. Nobody is as creative and considerate as him, nobody can build robots like him, nobody gets the grades that he gets…he knows he’s the best, and he just knows that you know that he knows that you know that he’s the best…so there. He often has a very self satisfied smirk on his face, and talks down to anyone who he thinks is beneath him…which turns out to be a great many people. He has a very bad attitude, but hey. That’s just because he’s better than you. Seriously.  

Gelria, senshi of Cinnamon.

Challenge: Do you want to take on the Cinnamon Challenge?

Sailor Scout Attack: Cinnamon Cloud
Gelria holds out his hand and a puff of ground cinnamon comes out Visual. The cinnamon causes irritation to the eyes, nose and throat. The puff of cinnamon can reach out up to five feet, and affects everyone in the area except Gelria himself. The attack can be used twice per battle, and the cinnamon puff lasts for ten seconds before dissipating.

Super Sailor Scout Attack: Cinnamon Storm
Gelria holds out his hand and a puff of ground cinnamon comes out Visual. The cinnamon causes irritation to the eyes, nose and throat. The puff of cinnamon can reach out up to a radius of eight feet, and affects everyone in the area except Gelria himself. The attack can be used twice per battle, and the cinnamon puff lasts for twenty five seconds before dissipating.

Eternal Sailor Attack: Cinnamon Challenge
Gelria holds out his hand towards an opponent, a beam of light moves towards them and fills their mouth with a teaspoon full of cinnamon. The beam can be easily avoided, but so long as it hits the body in some place, the attack comes into effect. The cinnamon can not be spit out for 30 seconds. The cinnamon coats and dries the mouth and throat, resulting in coughing, gagging, and at times, vomiting, depending on the player. When the cinnamon can be spat out, it causes the same irritations that the previous two attacks can cause, as the enemy is expelling cinnamon. This attack can be used twice per battle, on different people only.