Ari (Ria)


Basic Info




Ria is another denizen in Ari's system, who fronts far less often. When fronting Ria prefers clothes in the colors of Aqua or Teal, and Copper and prefers more demure or playful attire, wearing skirts or dresses if she can find them. She will wear her differently from Ari, either down in a bob or in a half-tail. Preferred warframes for Ria are Nova and Ivara, and tends to use sniper rifles more than anything.

To be technical, Ari and Ria are of the same mind but split due to the trauma of the Zariman10-0 incident. Of the two, Ria holds most of the trauma of that event and leaves Ari to front and conduct most of the actions and choices for the system. Ria is timid and playful but can overall be more emotive and affectionate than Ari and has a tendency to age slide as far down as 12 years in age.