Alexa Yedid



4 years, 6 months ago


Name(s) Alexa Yedid
Age 16
Height / Weight 153 cm / 45 kg
Gender Female
Species Djinn/Human
D.O.B 20th of June
Occupation Student
Origin Shiraz, Iran
Orientation Panromantic asexual

Alexa is a girl of power. She speaks loud and clear to all that will listen, and tries to get attention and recogonition from powerful speeches. She is always willing to learn more about a topic, even if she already has learnt plenty about it already. She is both ambitious and stubborn; when she first sets a goal for herself, you bet that she's completely fixated on completing it. She defies rules and traditions often - they do not mean much to her.

Alexa was born from a djinn and a human mother, making her have magical powers from a very young age. Intriguied by magic, she spent much of her youngest childhood years studying and practising, so she could be exceptionally good at it. She faced many people against the fact she was doing this, however - forcing her to transform into a more rebelling version of herself. Her proudest act of rebellion was stealing a mythical creature - the al-mi'raj - and keeping it as a pet. She moved to Fawinun because of rumors of magical activity, wishing to study this magic.
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