Im Blue Da-da-dee-da-da-dumXD's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

OsloAdopts Global Rules

TOS/ Terms of Usage

-You may REGIFT or RETRADE any designs you have received from me the seller. Any designed you have received from me or created by me may NOT be RESOLD for any reason especially if the design was GIFTED or TRADED

- For example, you may not resell a design created by me that was traded trough a character trade or given through drawing art for them. Especially if there was no extra art that was commissioned by another artist. So you can't sell a design made by me if you the buyer drew a sketch or simple drawing/added AI art of the design for any sort of monetary gain including but not limited to, Virtual currency or Currency of any kind.

- You may resell the design if there is extra art that was not made with an AI. So if the art was commissioned or was drawn by you then it is ok to resell any design from me. Even if the design was traded.

- You may resell any design from me that was sold to you.

- You may not resell a design created by me for more than you paid for at the time of purchase. You may only resell the design if they come with extra art commissioned by actual artists and only be added to the price with the cost of commission. AI art does not count as extra art no matter if you the buyer had paid for usage of the AI generated.

- People who are on my blacklist may not buy any more designs created by me nor be sold any designs created by me. If you wish to know of individuals who are on my blacklist you may ask via DMs.

-You will be blacklisted if caught breaking the TOS and I reserve the right to revoke privileges of using my designs at any point if the user breaks the TOS.

-Buying Designs created by me is also agreeing to the above listed TOS.

- Be sure to check the TOS before putting a design created by me as rules will be updated.

- If you have any Questions, Comments, or Concerns please contact me.

**Last updated Jan 19 2023**