Electrisa (Sentinels!Elec)



5 years, 2 months ago


aus are scary and i don't know how to split up the galleries

Superhero title: Demon of the Skies, Electrisa

Lore n shit: your friendly local demon, who might or might not get inner calls from a temple in the sky to defend it from time to time

ok SO about that FUCKING temple

what's happening here is ancient civilisation bullshit

The floating temple is p much the only remaining thing after that civilisation. they used to worship gods and raise buildings for them and make sacrifices and all that sweet stuff. Angels were considered guardians, demons were considered punishers, like all religions go

over the years the cult deteriorated, the people forgot, and there's hardly much left after it, but the temple's still here. the beliefs and spirits of people that USED to be keep it afloat, or maybe the gods demand their sacrifices. either way, the temple hasn't forgotten, so it still calls people who remained

it's just that that's not a really big number. most of them are just regular mortals, and the descendants of angels are all dead as fuck. the closest thing is descendants of demons, here it be Elec. So she's been called over to the temple and she listened, not really knowing why, but here she is now. The temple doesn't really LIKE her per say. demons don't belong inside the temple, they belong outside to punish the nonbelievers, the temple is for gods and their servants, but here's this fucking bitch. but it's the only bitch it's got

so elec used to visit the temple from time to time as it called, but now basically lives in that temple, she floats with it wherever it goes, and it's sort of naturally attracted towards places of imminent disasters, probably something to do with the past nature of the religious cult. and because she lives in there but shouldn't, the temple kinda flips out sometimes, mainly affecting the weather, making itself a hard place to live in. unfortunately for it, elec's into rough weather. fuck her up

she stays there just because... she feels she has to. maybe she even wants to. it's an exciting life, and she feels more connected with her ancestors, even if the temple throws hissy fits. she used to have a normal life, but this one's pretty chill, so like this is fine



Gemini might've been a Raróg!!!!!!!! he could've been the one who chose Elec. It's a firebird with a stare so powerful it can change people (FUCK YES PERF) and it guards the gates of heaven n stuff

obviously noui's gonna be a syrena once i get to his lore


Elec is a Płanetnik turned Chmurnik (can't find English equivalents so let's say Plane-demon turned Cloud-demon. absolutely super inventive i know). She didn't fuckin d i e and turn into one, as it tended to be all those years ago, but she's just from a family that was involved with the religion back when it was a thing, and now that there's almost no-one left in it, the temple with its power brought forth her family's plane-demon tendencies (maybe a mortal woman had a child with a demon or what), and eventually it chose elec to be the cloud-demon out of sheer lack of anyone else and called her. considering that elec CHOSE to stay, it's possible that there's more families that the temple tried to beckon, but they just... didn't answer its calls because they didn't want to abandon their old lives. anyway that means she's specifically a demon with command over weather that was meant to punish bad villages with hail and storms, and reward good villages with rain and sun.

buuut that's all that used to be. the temple made her a cloud-demon because it *is* in clouds, so what good would elec be as a forest-demon or lake-demon. either way the templ was like "here bitch have powers and come over" and elec was like "aw fuck what th e FUCK" but then she just sorta started to like it so she decided to stay
