
4 years, 6 months ago




17 ✦ Male ✦ Extraterrestrial

"If two people on opposite sides of the world each drop a piece of bread, the Earth briefly becomes a sandwich."


The best way to describe Boot is that he's a mess. His organization is nonexistent, and his mental stability is questionable at best. He has the attention span of a small child and he isn't very bright. Due to his mental instability, people often questioned him when he said he was an alien, so he’s since stopped telling people that. Despite all that, he’s incredibly friendly and sweet. He loves his friends more than life, and he’d do anything for almost anyone. He’s generous and he always has good intentions. He does his best, but sometimes he just says really dumb things. He’s very social and extroverted, and often he’ll interject himself into conversations with little to no thought about it.

He often has trouble sleeping at night, so he has a white noise machine, which helps him quite a bit! He also has those little glow in the dark stars glued to his ceiling, and an emergency stash of goldfish crackers on his nightstand. He's the type that can eat 4 bags of goldfish and still be thin and "twiggy," as his boyfriend, Shoe, calls him.

Boot's intelligence is lacking in many ways. He's an idiot, to put it frankly. Despite his lack of general knowledge, he's still well loved for his eager, chipper, friendly personality and bright smile in the darkest of times. He can always see the bright side, and he's always equipped with strange bits of trivia to lighten the mood.

Boot’s specialty, though, is shower thoughts. When you’re at the level of stupidity that Boot has achieved, random things pop into your head at the strangest times, and he can’t help but blurt those things the moment he discovers them. He's really a riot to be around, and even though he hasn't spoken an intelligent word since he was born, he's incredibly difficult to dislike. He gives the best hugs, and he's honestly very childlike.

Despite everything, Boot is loved and cherished by most, and he loves almost everyone more than life itself.


Boot is very short, only 5'1, and his short neon hair is usually a mess. He has light skin that almost appears to have a slight gray color to it, and small, unsteady hands. He's rather thin, and he's always shaking. He has an odd sense of style. He tends to wear clothes that you normally wouldn't put together, but he somehow makes it work. Often you'll see him in a heavy sweater, shorts, and sandals or some other weird combination (regardless of the weather). In general, he has a pretty small build, and he never stops moving. He's often compared to a rodent with how shaky and active he is (probably due to his caffeine addiction). He has bright, colorful eyes, and while his mental stability is questionable, more often than not he has a big smile on his face.

  • Caffeine
  • His boyfriends/best friend
  • Hugs/cuddles
  • Talking
  • Being cold
  • Saying no to people
  • Vegetables
  • Warm weather
  • Deep water
  • Being told mean things


Boot was born on another planet, pretty far from Earth. He had a relatively normal upbringing, and he was raised with good morals. On his planet, school was never a thing, so he never had the opportunity to learn, which is why he's an idiot. When he was 15, his parents got into a huge fight and sent him away. He stumbled across Earth, and decided it would be his home. He settled in quickly, though this planet's odd customs were a mystery to him. Even now, he struggles to understand why people do the things they do. His first few months on Earth were... Cringy, for lack of better words. He didn't understand how to communicate with people, he didn't know simple math, he didn't know the simple courtesies. He was completely lost. He soon realized that telling people he was an alien was a bad idea, and quickly made up a story to tell as his childhood. After some time, he started to adjust. He learned simple things he needed to know in order to function, and he started to make friends. He was still a mess though, and he never did catch on to successful communication or common sense. Slowly people started to accept him for the odd, dumb sweetheart that he is now.

Shoe (Boyfriend)

Shoe isn't much brighter than Boot, and together they're quite the handful. Shoe eggs Boot on in his shenanigans, which often causes quite the disaster for Joris to clean up. They understand each other, and sometimes they can communicate through even the simplest grunts and squeaks, which has always puzzled those around them. They love cuddles, and their favorite thing to do is lay on top of each other in a big loving pile of footwear.

Joris (Boyfriend)

Other boyfriend

Vero (Friend)


profile html by Hukiolukio