
Name: Jamie Maroon

Age: 15-16

Ethnicity: American

Height: 5'3 ft (160 cm)

Birthday: November 26
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Languages: English

Personality: Jamie is very hyper and sweet towards her friends, but occasionally comes off as aloof and nonchalant. She's often blunt, often saying things she shouldn't with a very relaxed attitude towards things. She's easily swayed by her emotions, and tends to follow crowds more than make her own decisions. Inside though, she's much more judgmental and on edge than she lets herself appear to be.

Likes: going out, singing in the shower, brownies
Dislikes: making decisions, the dark

Extra Facts:
- Jamie's ability is Flash Fire, allowing her to create flares of fire and burst them, like an explosion.
- She is the oldest of two younger siblings, and lives with her parents.
- Her father's ability is explosion, and her mother's ability is Fire Breath
- She is the youngest in her friend group, being a sophomore while Lillian and Violet are juniors.
- She and Red are cousins, although they aren't especially close. Their mothers are sisters, and don't exactly get along.
- She has always attended magic school.
- Jamie is from an upper class wealthy family, as her father deals with jobs in trade businesses within the magic community, and her mother is head to the Maroon family, a well known fire user family.
- Her favorite food is grilled steak.
- her favorite things to eat are cakes, especially chocolate cakes or brownies
- her favorite color is maroon