Alina Marilayra (Mobian)



2 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Alina Marilayra








Golden Mantled Ground Squirrel




Bassist and waitress at Restaurant Bittersweet

First Appearance

Chaotic Rhyss! #1

Theme Song

Pomplamoose - Here It Goes Again ~


Personality traits:


-Being home


-The Internet


-Quiet parties




-Noisy areas



-Her awkwardness



Alina  on first looks is a very shy girl. She's very anxious and stumbles over  her words. She doesn't like going outside and rather just sits behind  her computer. Socializing is preferably done in a quiet setting with  some tea and cookies. If met for the first time, Alina can be very held  back, stutter a lot, and overall be afraid of bothering you. However,  when a conversation slowly gets rolling, Alina can wander off pretty  easily in her thoughts, often telling them embarrassing stuff without  even noticing it herself. Then again, Alina could be easily put back in  her shy mood when something unexpectedly happens. 

She can get  short with people however if she doesn't agree with people. Her opinions  on good and bad are well laid out, and she's steadfast in those  opinions. Whenever she spots someone lying, she can be cold to them. Due  to her bad composure though, she's easily pushed over by people; a  characteristic that Alina utterly hates about herself.




Alina picked up archery as a hobby, therefore, she's well off with a bow and arrow.

What  also could be noted is that Alina is very smart and technical, so she  knows how to build things. Especially with help of other smart people,  she could be able to build machines. This would of course take a lot of  time, since she isn’t the strongest builder.

However, Alina's most  valued skill is her ability to detect lies. She's able to sense whether  people are lying to her or not, based on the minimal changes in  people's behaviour whenever they are lying. Alina can perceive this  small little change unconciously. To her, it comes as a flush of stress,  which can kinda be problematic as an anxious person. That's why her  power isn't completely relieable, since stress appears so much to her  normally, she can't always be sure whether people are lying, or she's  just being stressed the heck out.



-Good accuracy

-Stays with her believes



-As strong as a piece of paper

-No fighting experience

-Very bad at making friends


Social information:

Craid Taron: Alina’s  foster parent that has taken care of her since she was 9. Even though  they have a very strong father-daughter relationship, they could also be  seen as great friends, seeing as their age doesn’t really fit in a  father-daughter perspective. They learn each other how to be more social  and they pretty much enjoy the same things, like a calm atmosphere and  reading. The difference in their hobbies though is that Craid like sword  fighting, while Alina likes being on the internet, a thing Craid can  still not fully work with.

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Gwyzelle TaronTechnically  Gwyzelle’s family, so Alina considers her as such. She has seen her a  few times before and they seem to get along well! They seem to have  similar interests in some fronts, and are both amused by the interests  that they don’t share! Gwyzelle’s now watching anime with Alina so she  accidentally cursed her. Eventhough Alina's supposed to help Gwyzelle  get used to living here, Gwyzelle seems to be great mental support for  Alina as well. She's the exact push in the back she needs for now, which  makes her very appreciative of her! She also kind of lives with her and  actually cleans up her mess so that's nice too.

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Luka Frolig: Alina’s  best friend. Alina entered school when she was 9 and immediately got  greeted by Luka, who was super friendly towards her. From that point on,  their relationship has almost only seen positive points. Alina looks up  towards Luka, seeing as she knows what she wants in the future and of  course because of her athletic style of living, which is the total  opposite of her lifestyle.

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Rhyss Frolig: Even  though they knew each other since the days that Alina met Luka, Rhyss  and Alina only became real friends right after the destruction of  Station Square, seeing as Rhysspin stayed with Alina for some time.  Rhyss learned Alina that it wasn’t bad to be social from time to time.  Alina adores Rhyss’ infinite optimism and is very interested in the way  his powers work.

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Hysteryx MenyazAlina,  being someone who can identify when people are lying, is not a fan of  Hyst. Her head can sometimes go haywire whenever he’s around, seeing as  he lies frequently. Hyst in turn has realized Alina is most sceptic of  him, and likes to tease her sometimes. Even though he might be annoying  to her frequently, Alina is probably the one that has had the most  heartfelt conversations with him. Seeing as they’re both on opposite  sides of the charismatic spectrum. Eventhough Hyst can get on her  nerves, Alina hopes that Hyst can eventually find his place in the  world, seeing as at the moment, he obviously hasn't.

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Prescill Marilayra: Alina’s  older sister. Alina’s oldest memories are shared with her. Memories  that aren’t bright. They lived on the dark and cold alleyways, living  the thug life until she was 9. Alina doesn’t want to meet her sister,  knowing that if she will, something bad is doomed to happen. She hates  Prescill, but still feels deep inside that she is the only biological  family she knows of.

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Alina  has no memories of any of her parents being there for her. She doesn’t  even know if they are alive or not. Her sister has never told her. Until  the age of 9, Alina had lived the thug life on the streets, having to  steal to be able to survive. Together with her sister, she stole  whatever she could find. Her sister was keeping away the money, only  spending a tiny bit of money on food, while the rest of the money was  going to some unknown place.

On one fateful night, when Alina was  9, Craid was wandering through the same alleyway as Alina and her  sister. Craid overheard their conversation. Prescill was forcing Alina  into drugs dealing, otherwise she wouldn’t have enough money that she  was spending to an unknown place. Alina steadfast didn’t want to. She  yelled, but Prescill, being the older sister, was too strong to go into  an argument with. That was when Craid decided to take care of Alina.  Craid asked Prescill to come with her, but she refused. And she wasn’t  just going to give Alina to him either. They fought. Prescill with a  knife she always had with her, Craid with his sword. The match was  easily decided. Craid was able to scare of Prescill after just a bit of  showing what he was capable of. Alina wanted to stick with Craid, not  being able to trust Prescill anymore, she was now stuck to trusting a  fully unknown person, but she knew it would be the better choice.

Years  pass and especially on the beginning of these years, Prescill still  tried to take Alina with her one way or the other, all of them failed,  because Alina now not only had Craid on her side, but also people that  she had met after that. Alina was slowly feeling more safe, knowing that  Prescill couldn’t take her back. Prescill eventually gave up, they have  never seen eachother after that. Alina was doing pretty well in school.  She started school when she was 9, but she easily learned her way  through it and after a year she had already been announced smartest  student of the class.

Eventually the destruction of Station Square  came around. While she was trying to flee for what was looking like an  apocalypse, she saw Rhyss lying on the ground in a not so comfortable  way. He broke his left arm. Alina, the person that knew the cyan fox,  tried to take her with him. This was going at such a slow pace, that the  fight had already finished before they could get out of the city. Alina  decided that it would be better if they went to her house and see if  she could patch Rhyss up. Her house was still pretty intact. She helped  Rhyss recover, together with Craid. Rhyss tried to learn Alina how to be  a bit more social.

Now, Alina is trying to meet new people, she  is also busy studying, so that she could get a good paying job. Things  are looking bright for her, after such a rough childhood, Alina is still  adamant and tries to do what’s right.