
Class Tensions, Theater, and Hot Trash

  •  Name   La Marseillaise 
  •  Age   26 
  •  Gender   Male 
  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

“We’re actors-- we are the opposite of people!”


Attention-grabbing, flashy, over-the-top, and chaotic, La Marseillaise is a menace to the city of Tokyo, but a beloved icon of the people. He is a mysterious figurehead launching organized attacks on corrupt governments and organizations, a masked vigilante with motives nobody quite understands. Makes a significant effort to lead coordinated attacks on the corrupt institutions rather than random acts of defiance, and keeps the danger of his actions away from the populous,


Dressed in eloquent garments of French design, La Marseillaise takes great pride in his image. He wears a bronze mask with a fixed, painted smile, perfectly symmetrical with a pair of horns reaching through a long-brimmed panama hat, adorned with a (real) Sakura flower, even when out of season. He wears a long, gold-trimmed scarf wrapped around his neck and a coat pulled over a shiny golden vest. He wears white dress gloves and white pants with black seam trimming, ending at Waraji sandals worn over long socks. Every article of clothing is custom fitted and worn over a full-size black theater suit, the sort used to hide someone while on stage.

  •  Ethnicity   French-Japanese 
  •  Residence   Tokyo, Japan 
  •  Job   ??? 
  •  Sexuality   ??? 
  • ● Follows specific parts of Bushido
  • ● Very agile, runs and parkours across the numerous rooftops of the city
  • ● Obvious French Theater inspiration, mixed with Japanese Samurai
  • ● Likes to tease police, government officials
  • ● Very little is known about him
  • ● Flirts with the public; a darling
  • French Theater
  • Revolution
  • Attention
  • Causing problems
  • Government
  • ???
  • ???
  • Being found out




Atsushi Takao Prime Minister of Japan, Atsushi Takao vows to stop this La Marseillaise and put a stop to his 'reign of terror'. Marseillaise frequently mocks him publicly, garnering media attention. They have only ever met in person once.

El Subarashii Dangerous anarchist who uses far more violent tactics to push his beliefs, inspired by La Marseillaise's actions. Initially a fan, Marseillaise quickly attempts to stop him, leading to a rivalry.

Heather Derringer An American expat, she has been seen with La Marseillaise on multiple occasions, but strays from the public light. Is considered a suspicious person by the Japanese government. Tinkerer and machinist by nature.

profile html by Hukiolukio