


7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Full name

Viscon Blackbow





Age (date of birth)

25 (24th December 1993)




Passive life vision, passive psychic attacks protection


Working in family business help


Black?? White???

Theme songs

"Clocks" - Coldplay, "All Eyes" - Imagine Dragons



Speaking trait: He… speaks.. with many.. tripledots. Which means.. it’s rather slow.. also his voice is rather.. nasal. Sometimes.

Character traits: Honest, unless he has to lie to cover up for Maia or his tongue is tied by his family, very overprotective of her, nosy, easily irritated, can be childish, his morals are kinda ambiguous.

Specific traits: Often seen with Maia, usually has a bunch of stupid charms on him, curled horns on his head, really long tail, two pairs of wings, one smaller and one bigger (the right wing missing).


Colours: Green
Food: Yoghurts
Season: Autumn
Animal: Dogs
Remaining: His clock collection, when Maia isn't a brat, his lucky charms, GUNS, when mom's monies come, when family doesn't bother him, sleep


Colours: Grey
Food: Spicy food
Season: Winter without snow
Remaining: When Maia disobeys him or gets hurt, his broken wings, his lack of normal powers, making choices, when his clocks break which happens a ton



Skills: Passively foreseeing cause and time of death of other people, 'third eye' - protection from psychic attacks, knowledge on most guns, good with clockwork (and not only with clocks), echolocation

Accessories (*optional): Dream catcher hanging from left horn, several watches on his arms, *olive coloured jeans jacket, *neon green cap with four-leaved clover pin, *Maia


third eye works better when he's tired
is rather easygoing and avoiding conflicts
good aim and precision
good hearing


not great vision
no fight experience
no actual powers he can use as he wishes
wings only make him heavier and he can't fly it's shit


Backstory(short version)


0: Born to a big family where dad is a demon/monster hunter and mom is a demon in disguise. Dad probably realises that but love is blind n stuff. Vis has 3 older brothers and later will have 2 younger and a sister.

3-6: Death foreseeing powers activate! Mom is proud. His powers make him a rather sensitive child who doesn't really like seeing others hurt.

10: Attacked by werewolf in a forest, gets wing ripped, saved by dad.

10-13: Dad is teaching him and older brothers how to use stuff like actual charms that can scare off bad things and also guns. Guns are best charms.

13: His older brothers and soon himself grow horns and some grow additional wings or their scleras go black or whatever. Dad is disappoint and considers them all monsters. Divorce with pregnant demon mom is a go.

14: Living with all his brothers away from dad with mom's family while she tries to get herself back into her parents' mercy and maybe get some cool house in Underworld. Maia is born, all brothers except for Viscon don't really care.

15-19: Brothers and mom are just typical demon dicks and also start doing soul stuff after getting back together  with the rest of the fam. It's business! Viscon despite being expected to help, what with his death predicting powers that would be perfect for blackmail, is kinda 'eh' as he doesn't particularly enjoy getting gorey visions and finishes off school while hanging out with lil' Maia quite often.

19-20: Moves elsewhere on his own, is a postman. Visits dad once cause wants to follow his steps, dad doesn't trust him and lets him know very clearly not to visit him ever again or Vis will get killed.

21: Starts working for a demon lord Bafalaut so he can tell mom that he's totally doing demon stuff so she still likes him. Mom sends Maia to him so she can study where he lives in a handy dandy prestige private school and also because no-one really wanted to take care of her and she trusts Viscon with making Maia grow up into a powerful demon. Maia is a brat. Vis is determined to make her grow up into a decent person.

22: Maia is still a brat and people are trying to kill her. Vis is just trying to gather up some money to start his own lil business so he doesn't have to rely on mom and so he and Maia can finally cut all the contacts with his shitty edgy family. He also has to tell Maia someday that their parents sorta don't love them, because Maia is trying to be queen of evil mainly so her parents will notice her. It's getting annoying.

23: Gets a vision of his father dying by his brothers' hands. Dismisses it, since he well knew visiting dad meant death. Some time later on a family dinner sees his corpse being dragged through the hallway next to the dining room. Spends most of the dinner in the bathroom with Maia nagging him to stop being sick.

24: he hates this family and how it ruined everything starting with dad's life and ending on Maia's, who he can't even tell her dad's dead because she's convinced both of her parents are proud demons who love her a lot but just have to work. Mom doesn't have to be working. There's so many other bats that could be doing it for her. She'd just rather do that than spend time with her only daughter. His brothers are all corrupted and despite fleeing to literal depths of Hell from them he's still bound to make Maia grow up into a corrupt sucker like all of them and work under her afterwards. And he just wants to sit where he is, start some clockwork shop and have Maia be a doctor, or something that useful. She's smart, after all. And he's sick of everything. Literally, his fur seems to have started greying early. Somehow...

25: His family's patience has run thin, and the punishment was severe. Viscon is down one wing now, and needs to get his life in order stat, though he has no idea how he's supposed to go about quitting his current job... the only good thing that's come from this is that it started opening Maia's eyes as to what their family really is.