


7 years, 7 months ago


Name Mihangel Gender Male
Age 28 Birthday February 28th
Species Wildclaw Element Plague
Location The Magical Society Magic Illusions, emotion manipulation
Rank Apprentice Theme ♫ The Library
Likes Reading
Dislikes Bugs

Mihangel is a young apprentice at an academy designed for those with magical powers. He has a few talents, the first being able to create illusions. He can make others see things that are not there. Secondly, he is able to manipulate emotions. Finally, Mihangel is also able to shape-shift from his dragon form to a more human form. The skill is considered minor, as it is something everyone at the Magical Society is able to do. Despite his gifts of magic, he is rarely seen to practice. He would much rather study, and spends countless hours in the library. Books are like treasure to him, and he loves to learn or allow the stories to carry him to some fantastical world.

Mihangel presents as a bit awkward when dealing with others. He's not anti-social by any means, but he simply does not know how to properly interact with people. Often times he comes across in ways that he does not mean to. Making friendships is incredibly difficult for Mihangel. He exhibits a flat affect, which comes across as being apathetic. He also has trouble reading the emotions of others. The idea of a romantic relationship is something that truly baffles him. He acknowledges that people might engage in such, but it is not something he is able to wrap his head around when it comes to himself. Speaking of romantic relationships is one sure fire way to fluster him. In all likelihood Mihangel will do his best to change the topic to something else.


"A new adventure awaits us within the pages of every book."

A Magical Display

The scene was only too familiar. Mihangel sat at a desk, hunched over yet another tome he had found, while Winterheart sat off to the side watching him. He appeared to be completely unaware of her presence, though Winter had made sure to announce herself through sighs, humming, and tapping her foot against the ground. Her fingers now rested against one cheek, idly drumming a beat against the skin. She was bored, and that was never a good thing. A sudden idea occurred to her, and Winter's hand lowered to her lap as she spoke. "You know, Mihangel, I don't think I've ever seen you use your magic."

Her words had no affect on him. He continued to read as though Winter hadn't said anything at all. This wasn't unusual. It often took several tries before she was able to rouse him from his stories. She continued as if he had heard her. "No. I've seen you in classes before, but I've never really seen anything. I wonder if you have any magic at all."

A satisfied smile formed on her lips when her words at last caused him to raise his head and look to her. His own expression remained steady, though his tone implied weariness. "What are you trying to prove, Winterheart?"

Her eyes went wide and her hands lifted into the air with palms facing him - the very picture of innocence. "Nothing! Nothing, of course. If you don't have any magic, that's fine with me. Just makes me wonder how you got into the Society, is all."

"You know very well that I possess magic," he replied.

"Then prove it." Winterheart's smile grew wider, and the innocence from it evaporated. They both knew she was up to her games yet again, and keeping up the charade was useless.

For a minute Mihangel was silent. She could almost see him calculating the pros and cons of completing her request in his mind. Finally, his head dipped downwards in a little nod. "If I show you, will you leave me be so I can continue reading?"

"Yes, absolutely!" Winterheart's response came immediately, with an emphatic nod of her own head. "Cross my heart and hope to die." Her fingers traced a cross over her heart.

"Hm." Came the only reply of Mihangel, as though he wasn't quite sure he believed her. Still, he reached out to place a bookmark in his book, and closed it. He then turned in his seat to face Winter fully. He looked to her, but this look was different than the one he had given before. This look seemed to indicate a measure of steady concentration. A feeling of a charge began to build in the air, detectable only to certain magi, and Winter leaned forward in her chair excitedly. Yes, he was definitely trying something.

For a few minutes nothing happened, and Winter was beginning to feel bad. She knew that his skills involved illusions, and she expected to see something out of the ordinary. With nothing appearing, she assumed that he was out of practice. Her mouth opened to tell him nevermind, or perhaps to rib him a few times for not practicing his magic as often as he could, but instead came a startled, "oh!" Winter suddenly found herself very drawn towards Mihangel.

Her eyes went wide once more, but in surprise rather than feigned innocence. She was feeling something she had never felt for him before, and it slowly dawned on her. Mihangel could create illusions, but he could also manipulate emotions. He must be trying to make her feel love for him now. He had to be! Winter wanted to tell him to stop, to say that was enough, but she was afraid of what would come out of her mouth should she open it now. The way she was feeling, she thought she might profess her undying love to him.

Winter felt her heartbeat begin to pick up, but she couldn't turn her gaze away. She wanted to see him, to take in every detail of him. She felt herself moving even closer to the edge of her chair, and her hand began to reach forward as if she meant to touch him. To gently caress his cheek, or see if she could receive a kiss.

The charged feeling to the air began to fade, and Winter blinked a few times in succession as her sudden feelings for Mihangel began to fade as well. The memory was still there, though, and she shook her head to try and clear that as well. When she managed to find her words again, words that she could be sure about, they came in a whisper. "Why?"

Mihangel seemed to understand her one-worded question was asking why he did what he did. "It seemed the most effective way to show you my magic and to keep you from asking for more or disturbing me further."

Winter scowled. He was right, damn it. She wanted nothing more than to get out of here now. "Enjoy your reading, Mihangel. You've earned it." The sarcasm dripped from her tongue as she stood with intent of finding something else to do. Mihangel did not notice, having already turned back to his book.

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His best friend and his worst enemy. Winterheart takes particular delight in trying to pull Mihangel away from her books. She can consistently be seen nearby; talking at him, showing off, or playing pranks. Over time Mihangel has learned to accept her presence and even appreciate it. She's a reliable friend.

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Every apprentice is assigned a mentor in the Magical Society. Mihangel's mentor is Laburnum, a Pearlcatcher gifted in reading the future. While their abilities don't align, Laburnum has been practicing magic for many years and is well-versed in different skills. He is often at a loss on how to teach Mihangel. Every time he tries he finds his protege involved in another book.