


7 years, 8 months ago


Name Brambleface

Other Names Bramblekit

Gender Female (she/her)

Orientation Lesbian

Mentor Ripplenose

Mentor Briarpaw | Badgerpaw

Rank Warrior

Residence Oakclan


Brambleface is a dark brown cat with thick black stripes and dark green eyes. She has a somewhat stocky build, perfect for defence.

Design notes
  • Stocky
  • Round
  • She can be drawn in just about any body type/style you want, but this is her default.

Strongly driven and ambitious, Brambleface feels a powerful drive to be the best there is at everything she does. She has every intention to be leader of her clan someday.

She has an aggressive and impulsive nature, but when she choses to do something she will not rest until she can do it well. Even still, she struggles to master any one thing because of the sheer number of talents she tries to cultivate.

She gets bored quite easily and will find any excuse to leave behind a task that doesnt excite her.

  • Squirrel
  • Fighting
  • Climbing
  • Fish
  • Swimming
  • Boring duties like patrolling and tending to the elders


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

Bramblekit was born in a hollow tree in the middle of the forest with her brother Shadekit. Her loner mother abandoned them shortly after their birth, leaving them in the paws of their father Thrushwing. Thrushwing brought the kits back to the clan to be raised as warriors.

Bramblekit wanted to be leader someday from the moment she first learned what a leader was. She strongly admired her leader Timberstar, but thought that she could do better. She enjoyed playing the hunter in kit games like hunter v. mouse and being somewhat rough with her smaller brother. She was reprimanded frequently for not being gentle enough with him.

Bramblepaw regularly overworked herself in her efforts to be praised by her mentor, Ripplenose. Ripplenose was a fairly inattentive mentor, unethused by the job. Bramblepaw would not rest until she impressed her. She joined in on the training sessions of other apprentices when she was allowed and trained on her own frequently. Her focus on training left her with little energy or interest in other apprentice tasks like helping out the elders.

Eventually, Bramblepaw's efforts were noticed by Timberstar and she was granted her warrior name Brambleface at just twelve and a half moons old. Her brother stayed back, needing another three moons to join her in the warriors den. Her biggest trial as a warrior was to improve her attitude. Timberstar gave her several assignments that she didn't like with the intention of teaching her a lesson in patience. She was sent on patrol after patrol and given unpleasant duties until she tolerated them. Unbeknownst to her, the reward was that she would get to join Timberstar on a journey to speak to Starclan. She quickly built up a strong bond of trust with Timberstar, and within the next twelve moons, she was appointed deputy.

She received her first apprentice shortly after becoming deputy. She was given Briarpaw, a sweet and good natured young cat that seemed to have no ambition at all. Timberstar thought that they would be good for each other due to their conflicting natures. Brambleface was tough on her new apprentice, insisting at first that he train just as hard as she did when she was his age. She learned with time that he simply was not the same kind of cat that she was, and that she needed to learn to adapt to him instead of the other way around. After that lesson was learned, she and Briarpaw's relationship strengthened and he began to learn quicker.

Briarpaw graduated to become Briarleap. From there, Brambleface would receive another apprentice, Badgerpaw. Halfway through training her, Timberstar would lose his ninth life, and Brambleface would be appointed Bramblestar. She was convinced that she could handle the pressures of being a leader and a mentor at the same time and exhausted herself as a result. Badgerpaw spoke to Bramblestar privately a few moons in, asking if she could be mentored by someone who had more time. Badgerpaw, like Bramblestar, was a deeply ambitious cat, and Bramblestar realized she herself was filling the same role that Ripplenose played in her life - inattentive and unhelpful. She agreed, and granted Badgerpaw a new mentor. Bramblestar was quite disappointed by this, but knew it was going to be best for both her and Badgerpaw.


  • Bramble — for her dark brown coat.
  • Face — for the sharp stripes lining her face.
  • Brambleface's mother was a clan-cat-turned-loner. She explained to nobody why she left the clans.
  • As an apprentice, she injured her right front paw while practicing hunting. It's never been the same, though she was lucky enough that it doesn't hinder her greatly.
  • I made Brambleface all the way back in 2011! Her name came from inputting my name in the old Warrior Cats name generator on the original website!


Thruswing is Brambleface's father. He was quite attentive and cared a lot about her, so their relationship is good and solid. He's quite proud of her for becoming leader, though privately he wonders if she isn't a little too enthusiastic.


Shadestripe feels some bitterness towards Brambleface for excelling so quickly and leaving him behind. Their relationship was strong when they were kits, but it grew strained the older they got. Currently, while she is leader, their relationship is at its worst.

Leader, †

Brambleface deeply admired Timberstar despite personally feeling that she does a better job as leader than he ever did. She thought that his methods were too careful.


Ripplenose was an inattentive and unenthusiastic mentor, leaving Bramblepaw feeling neglected and frustrated. Presently, she appreciates the effort it takes to be a mentor and doesn't hold it against Ripplenose anymore.

Former Apprentice

Briarleap was Brambleface's first apprentice. He didn't have much motivation, but was able to learn a lot from Bramble's strong forceful attitude. In return, he taught Bramble just as much about patience. They have a good relationship today.


Badgerpaw is Brambleface's ex-apprentice. Today they regard each other well, though Badgerpaw can't help but wish she was assigned someone else to start.

code by jiko