Sheridan Woodshire



4 years, 4 months ago


He's an assistant Librarian for an old hoot who's obsessed with prophecies and spells. Level headed, logical, and down to earth, Sheridan was born in a relatively affluent area. His life was safe, secure, and almost if not 100% guaranteed to be laid out before him like lavish stepping stones. Being the son of two influential thanes, of a forest kingdom would do that to you. The royalty filled him with guilt, disgust, and a little bit of repressed feelings, so Sheridan did the reasonable thing to do. Run away! Very calm, nerdy, and reliable! He loves his job even though he doesn't get paid, and loves to help out. 

He wears flowers in his hair and tends to lay down often or take short naps while standing up.

Seems to be a combination of a horse and a deer in manners of hoof and body.