Elio Sterling



4 years, 4 months ago




Name Elio Sterling
SExual orientationbisexual
Weaponmage main; secondary sword 
BirthdayNovember 22
Theme Song link

APPEARANCE (please do not forget)

  • He has thin rectangle glasses.
  • His bun is propped to the back side of his head, not dead center in the back of his head.
  • Only one side of his hair hangs down to his chin, the other side is slicked back or tucked in the bun.
  • It is not necessary to draw him with his cape, as he only wears it on missions and mock battles.


  • tba


  • tba

Stats & SKILLS



Elio may be the son to a decorated knight, but he found himself drawn more to magic and books. He excelled greatly in schooling and his mage abilities. Top of the class wherever he went, he was a teacher favorite and would easily outshine other students in magic. 


That said, his weaponry could use some work. The sword is truly just for desperate measures, and he honestly wouldn't pull it out in a dire situation. It's more of a tool than a weapon in his hands. At least he knows to swing the pointy end.


A sitting duck, if you take away both his weapon and magic use. Elio has very little in the way of defense and physical abilities, so he relies on his glass cannon abilities to blast enemies away before they get to him.


Coy. Teasing. Confident.

Elio is quite outspoken, which is an odd backdrop against his much more reserved twin sister. He's known for being mouthy, and doesn't back down from a fight of wits. He's pompous about his education and knowledge, knowing he can back up whatever he says is true. This has earned him more than a few students who think less of him, but he doesn't honestly care about them. 

He knows what he likes, and is incredibly persistent once he's got his mind set on something. Elio also lacks shame and the ability to be shy, being quite forthright and honest about his feelings- even love. 


Elio is the elder twin between himself and Celine, born to a Head Knight in the kingdom. He showed little interest in the way of steel though, and excelled greatly in school and magic. His family did not hold him back, instead supporting him and watching him grow as a mage. 

He himself has always been a bit of a flamboyant character, opting for a more feminine appearance, though he makes it a point he is still a boy. He also has had a couple of flings with neighborhood boys, saying the girls are more reserved and respectable and the boys are easier to crack to temptation- like himself. 

When he and Celine decided to join the Royal Academy, he really took notice of Prince Glenn, and knew he was going to win him over. Being the valedictorian of the class, he got to choose where he went, and joined Glenn's classroom. He was given the title of Tactician, and will win every battle he puts himself in... be it in war or love. 


Next In Command: Meri Walton
Tactician: Elio Sterling
Classmate: Sariah Van Haren
Classmate: Onora Frederiksen
Classmate: Zayd Ivanov


Glenn Helstrom825261045c17fee029a021ce68c7727e4d4cabc6 [ love interest ]

Glenn did, quite honestly, nothing to capture Elio's heart. Elio made it apparent from day one that he was very interested in Glenn, and quite enamored with him. The prince never did explicitly push Elio away, even sometimes going with it, which made Elio only pursue more seriously. Elio enjoys teasing and bullying the prince in a soft way, picking on the boy's little known shy side. He can be quite tender to Glenn though, genuinely concerned for his health and happiness, and getting serious when he knows it's time for it.


Celine Sterling [ sister ]

Elio's little twin sister. Though the two hardly look alike, Elio has never forgotten that this was his younger twin. He rarely shows it, in a typical sibling fashion, but he's fiercely concerned and protective of her. He knows Celine won't get intro trouble and can take care of herself, so he tries not to interfere with her life too much. As his nature just is, he loves teasing her and poking at the girl to get a rise, since he's the only person that can truly ruffle her feathers. If he were to pick one person to tell anything to, it'd definitely be Celine. He highly respects her opinion, knowing she's just as capable as himself. They're Sterlings, after all!

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