Kelly Marnius



7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Kelly Marnius

Apparent Age



??? no name???



Relationship Status



Kelly is very down to earth, he enjoys being on the cutting edge of all things be it media, technology or magic. He likes seeing new sights and never wants to forget the things he’s seen so he is always taking pictures of anything he finds interesting. He has a bad case of resting bitch face though so don't let his looks fool you. He is calm, collected and intelligent with a special soft spot in his heart for wildlife. He likes to avoid physical confrontations as his powers are very all or nothing, there isn’t really a beat people around till they give up option.








 Kelly grew up away from humans in an underwater city off the coast of a small country. His family were strict but kind and tended to move around often. Kelly got a decent education and grew in magical power, however he never quite learned how to properly shapeshift. When he was a teen his aunt (living over by a big city) grew ill due to growing pollution in the water and moved closer to him, they were close but she eventually grew sluggish and can’t move around very well to this day. Quite a few riots broke out around the area where she used to live, though kelly never had any reason to hate humans, just the result of some of the technology they created. 

He had an interest in becoming a marine biologist at one point to help with the ever increasing destruction of habitats for the wilds around his home, but never was able to go through with it. Instead he became a drifter, traveling the world here and there, barely sustained by profits made through sales of his photos in galleries and some scant money made online through his social media accounts. He still is heavily invested in the ecosystem however, and tries to stay environmentally conscious. 

Due to the fact that cannot shapeshift to a perfectly human form he covers up heavily when going through towns and the like, his face and ears covered by a scarf and hat, as he cannot pass for even half human. Though he has been persuaded to show his face for the sake of selfies. He has ran into too many hostile individuals when he walks around normally. Though he is generally appreciated at raves. 



+ new technology
+new anything really
+sweet foods
+warm cuddles
+the rain
+the warm feelings of a new crush
+ symbolism

- looking like a fool
- not knowing what to say
- inadequacy
- hot days
- onions
- judgemental stares
- anon hate


Other Info


He has a rather deep voice, and can speak in sign language. He also enjoys his coffee, especially frappuccinos though he doesn't like expresso all that well.  He tries to go to only the local shops in towns instead of chain coffee shops. The same is true for his food as well. 

He generally doesn't have enough money to stay in inns and hotels so he will generally camp out wherever he is. But he doesn’t mind. 

His clothes look fashionable at all times, though he generally never buys from big time stores, normally he goes to flea markets and thrift shops.  (only cause he can't afford it, he often takes pictures of outfits he likes to try and make them from mismatched articles of second hand clothing later on) Most of them are just things actually from their eras that are making a comeback.  

He enjoys cuddling a lot, and nature. As well as old towns. The modern look doesnt appeal to him much.




He has the ability to manipulate water, though he can't make any he can purify and shape any water he comes across. If he has access to enough water he can make and shape it to tools and weapons he needs though he is by no means a trained fighter. 

He has been taught to make a sort of limited holding space for his needs such as extra clothes and camping supplies. He does need to remember what has been put in, and it can really only fit things that you could fit into luggage, saves money on storage space and luggage check-ins.

When he is in immediate danger and feels adrenaline his body will sweat cnidocytes that sting. If he gets too scared he can unconsciously trigger a flash bang like effect that blinds anyone nearby while he escapes or fights back. This is a purely reactional thing that he cant control. 

And of course he can breath water.

He has skills in cooking from being on his own, and is decent at it, especially at preparing cold dishes and desserts. (his homemade sea salt and caramel ice cream is so good!)

Kelly taught hismelf basic First Aid just in case he gets hurt on the road. (quick stitches, wrapping wounds up, emergency splints, and the occasional kiss and make it better, and a few herbal remedies made from seaweed; courtesy of his aunt.) though thankfully he hasn't had to fix anything worse than a sprained ankle before.

