Basic Info


Phantascope, The Shadow Advisor, etc.




Originally based from Turkish Van and Maine Coon cats

Originally Designed in


Current Revamp



Cyan / Light Blue, Colorless / Desaturated (White), or Shadow / Saturated (Black)


September 16th


I just want what's best for everyone, but you don't have the ability that I have to see behind closed doors. Those people you view as heroes that commit atrocities behind your back. You're just lucky it hasn't happened to you, yet. The 'criminals' you are afraid of are just the ones who are stupid enough to get caught, or are no longer needed by the bigger threats we really face. I doubt they look down upon you any kinder than they do me.

The Shadow Advisor is a mage hunted across all of Central Media. He has had many friends and enemies, but by the end of his life, only his enemies remained to tell the stories. Phantascope and his second apprentice Studio were cursed with the ability to hear thoughts directed or about themselves, therefore hearing the thoughts of both their friends and enemies pertaining to them. Studio used this as an advantage to build her career and rank within Media, but Phantascope's life slowly disintegrated with the knowledge of the thoughts of everyone he had built relationships with. Phantascope loves to learn more than anything, and is obsessed with knowledge and the memories and lives of others relating to magic and history. This desire to learn caused him to find the secret to regeneration so he could become ageless, forever able to continue his studies as long as he was never immobilized by the ones trying to kill him. Due to years of being chased by Mage Hunters, Phantascope is always travelling, but he also strongly desires companionship and the feeling and warmth of a family, so often tries to make friends wherever he goes and help provide safety and protection for others after a harsh history of losing many of his loved ones. This led up to him becoming one of the four founders of Aureate City (later known as Clowder City) before being removed from any credit after his crimes were revealed to the public of Media. Phantascope at one time was very non-confrontational and at a first glance, will sometimes still appear this way, but he is quick to snap to judgement and has no tolerance for subjects he finds are a threat against Media. Unfortunately his perspective was very different from most Median Officials. 

After being desensitized to death from witnessing generations of mage genocide, he became very quick to lash out and take the life of whoever he viewed as a threat. This caused many incidents and unjust murders of Medians. Once he was exposed as a murderer by one of the witnesses, Phantascope was exiled from Aureate City and was hunted down by any government officials, eventually being brought down by the monitor, Signal of The Rich Top Mountains.