


4 years, 4 months ago


Name Origin a wild dog with a sandy-colored coat found in Australia
Nickname(s) Demon of the Pit
Age 57 moons
Pronouns He/him
Warren Bogweed
Rank Sergeant
Insert moodboard or character sheet here

Profile template by Circlejourney
Edits byAnonSpice

War for the Warren is a Watership Down based RP/ARPG group hosted on discord.

"Ambition is not a dirty word. Piss on compromise. Go for the throat."


  • Courageous
  • Ambitious
  • Adaptive
  • Confident
  • Hard-working


  • Hard-working
  • Self centered
  • Irreligious
  • Outspoken
  • Skeptical
  • Silver tongue


  • Aggressive
  • Selfish
  • Bloodthirsty
  • Haughty
  • Manipulative
  • Abandonment issues


  • Physical Strength
  • Agility
  • Cunning
  • Control over his emotions


  • Gambler
  • Egotistical
  • Adrenaline Junkie
  • Perfectionist


  • Gay


  • Buck


  • AMAB


  • 5.4 whiskers


A very tall and lean rabbit, he stands almost as tall as his sister Pineflower. His athletic build and strong limbs give him a speed advantage most rabbits his size don’t have. His fur is thick and prone to getting tangles, though he keeps it well groomed. Long and narrow ears crown the top of his head, a few notches taken out of them.

Wide, oversized paws make him look as if he hasn’t quite grown into his body. Sporting one blue eye and one golden eye, Dingo has a menacing look to him which is only enhanced by his long claws which he keeps sharp. Three deep claw marks adorn his shoulders and chest, the only scars visible on his body. The rest are hidden underneath his pelt.



Dingo was born alongside his two sisters, Pineflower and Snowdrop. His mother, Peppermint, was rather young when she had her litter. Their father, a buck named Bison, abandoned his mate and children a few months after they had been born. This devastated Peppermint, but she did her best to keep a smile on her face if only for the wellbeing of her children.

Being the youngest of the litter, Dingo demanded the most attention from his mother and elder sisters. He was a rather bratty kit, constantly teasing and pestering his sisters. One day he pushed things too far and Pineflower took it upon herself to reprimand him. Pushing her brother down and pinning him, she yelled at him for being reckless and immature, words neither of them really knew but had heard the adults say often. Angry at his sister, Dingo aimed a swipe as her face. This resulted in a tussle which Pineflower easily won. The squabble left Dingo with two notches in one of his ears and put a strain on his relationship with Pineflower. It did cause Dingo to mellow out somewhat, as well as teach him to pick his fights carefully.

Growing up in Buttercup meant a life of plenty. Dingo spent most of his childhood days eating sweet grasses and flowers by his mother’s side and playing with the other kits in the warren.

As he grew older, Dingo developed a rather ambitious outlook on life. He wanted nothing more but to become a member of the Owsla and felt he needed to prove himself to those around him. His mother protested, not wanting her children to lead a life of violence, but Dingo wasn’t one to listen and convinced a buck by the name of Toad to mentor him.

Buttercup Muddypaw

Dingo quickly discovered training wasn’t exactly what he’d hoped it’d be. Instead of teaching him how to fight, Toad focused more on teaching him how to track scents, listen for elil, where to find herbs, and how to avoid getting into fights. All of which was incredibly boring to the young buck. He felt as if Toad didn’t think him capable, and it made him angry.

On the night of the raid, Dingo begged his mentor to bring him along but Toad refused, saying Dingo wasn’t near ready to join such a mission. Pineflower attempted to comfort her brother, as she had been left behind too, but her words only angered him more. Shoving her away, he took off after the other’s who had long crossed into Bogweed’s territory.

Sneaking his way past the border, he heard the distant cries of battle which only egged him on. Not being nearly as cautious as he should have been, he was quickly found by a Bogweed soldier by the name of Narcissus. The purple doe quickly overpowered the inexperienced muddypaw, throwing him into the infamous Bogweed pit.

The rest of the Buttercup patrol made their retreat, never once knowing Dingo had tried to join them. When Toad learned of what happened from a distraught Pineflower he assumed his apprentice dead. Pineflower was the one to break the news to their mother, who was unable to hide her tears at the loss of her son.

Meanwhile Dingo sat at the bottom of the mud soaked pit, believing that a rescue mission was soon to come. Certainly they wouldn’t leave him for dead… right?

Bogweed Prisoner

Life as a Bogweed Prisoner was vastly different to the soft, food filled life the young Dingo was used to. Dirt and mud seemed to seep into his bones, and what little food did come never seemed enough. Unfortunately for him, his still plump and soft looking Buttercup demeanor caught the attention of others. Namely a buck by the name of Brick.

Brick was a much larger, slightly older rabbit who had been in the pits for a long time. Seeing Dingo as an easy target he would steal Dingo’s food rations, chase him out of shelter during rain storms, and constantly bombard Dingo. Dingo tried to fight back, but his lack of combat training made him a poor fighter. Regardless Dingo always did his best to fight back which would result in getting battered, bloodied, and bruised.

The lack of food and constant injuries began to take their toll on Dingo’s health. He became a skinny, sickly looking buck. Quite the contrast to what he had been before. His fur had become long and tangled, caked with mud and dried blood. His nails had become long and ragged from lack of care.

Dingo watched rabbits training outside of the pits whenever he could, studying their every movements and doing everything he could to learn. The next time Brick approached him to steal his food, Dingo was ready. Brick may have had experience and strength on his side, but Dingo was bigger and fueled by a desperate need to survive. In the end Dingo won by knocking Brick’s head against the dirt wall. Brick lived only to later die from his wounds.

Dingo took to stealing food from others in the pit, fighting whoever disagreed with him. He lost many battles, but over many moons he began to win more and more. By this time Dingo wasn’t fighting to survive. He fought because he enjoyed the looks of terror other’s gave him. He relished in the feeling of power. No longer was he the terrified, bloodied and trembling muddypaw.

More moons came and went. Dingo was now past his teenage years and nearing adulthood. He had spend far longer in the pit then he had in Buttercup. One morning he awoke to a familiar face, one that was new to the pit. One who smelled of buttercups and sweetgrass. It was Toad, his old mentor. Instead of feeling happy to see his long lost mentor, Dingo felt enraged by his presence. Without much thought he threw himself upon the old buck. Toad struggled to defend himself but in the end was killed, suffering death at the jaws of his former Muddypaw.

Bogweed Private

Word of Toad’s death soon reached the ears of the Bogweed higher ups. They gave him an opportunity to leave the pit and train to become a Bogweed soldier. Dingo leaped at the opportunity, eagerly joining the rank of Private. He was given Captain Half Face as a mentor.

Half Face was everything Toad was not. What he lacked, she had. The scar-ridden doe was ruthless and hot tempered, teaching Dingo everything he longed to know. He followed her every word and command without hesitation.

During his time as Private, Dingo began to pay less and less attention to the pit he had spent so many moons of his life in. That was until a new batch of Buttercup prisoners were brought in. One buck in particular caught his attention, a soft looking rabbit by the name of Nutmeg.

Dingo saw something in Nutmeg that most wouldn’t have. The lop-eared buck reminded him of himself. So he decided to make a little challenge for himself. He would convince the buck to join the ranks of Bogweed and then train him once he himself had reached the rank of Sergeant. Nutmeg expressed extreme opposition to this idea. He was loyal to Buttercup, and would always be. Nevertheless, Dingo persisted with his grand vision.

The more time he spent with Nutmeg, the more he was smitten with the buck’s personality. Nutmeg was a spitfire, but in his own odd and respectful way. He was unlike any he had met before.

Dingo’s plans were cut short when, after a truce with Buttercup, the acting chief of Bogweed ordered all prisoners be released to their homes. Dingo did his best to convince Nutmeg to stay with him, but in the end the lop chose his home.

Bogweed Sergeant

It wasn’t long until Dingo finally received the rankup he longed for. Of course his new rank felt somewhat hallow now that he didn’t have a certain lop at his side, but he was quick to brush those feelings away, replacing them with the much more familiar feeling of anger.

Dingo soon found a Private of his own, his nephew Vulpes. Vulpes was the son of Lieutenant Solidago and Dingo’s sister, Snowdrop, who had been a prisoner of Bogweed. While Dingo knew of Vulpes’ origins he kept his mouth shut. He had no desire to bring Soli’s wrath upon him, especially not as he finally beginning to climb the ranks. It didn’t matter to him so much that Vulpes may never know their familial ties, he had mainly taken the young buck as an apprentice to gain the favor of the Lieutenant. These plans of his were quickly squandered as he soon learned the Lieutenant wanted nothing to do with his offspring.

Despite the looming threat from the cultist warren of Lan-Hraeth, life moved on for Dingo. He spent his days patrolling the warren, training his Private, sharpening his skills, and keeping an eye out for opportunities to increase his stature.

One morning while he was paying a visit to the pits that he met one of his fellow Sergeants, Evermore. Much to Dingo’s dismay the outgoing buck had taken it upon himself to have lunch with him. The silver rabbit had talked his ear off the whole time. The only good thing about the encounter was the flowers.

A few days later that same buck crashed into him after being chased by a weasel. The two chased the elil away. It wasn’t long after that that Evermore requested Dingo train him (Eve was a scrawny buck who could barely hold his own). After some thought Dingo agreed. The encounter of the weasel seemed to bring the two closer. Dingo, though he would never admit to it, began to enjoy the buck's company. Their trainings continued and Evermore's skills slowly began to improve.

Moons had passed. Lan Hraeth invaded Buttercup and killed their Chief, Valerian. Bogweed had been caught in the battle. Dingo and Evermore fought side by side, fending off attacking enemies. Dingo earned three new scars on his chest, which Evermore helped patch up. Not long after the two of them were on patrol to the farm. Dingo wanted to bring back food for their warren, and taste some for himself. In a stroke of bad luck they were attacked by the farmyard dog. Evermore was injured by a rake while trying to escape. Thankfully Dingo had located a small burrow and the pair hid there, huddled together while the dog sniffed and snarled.

They were forced to spend the night there, pressed together for warmth. The following morning the dog had left and the two made their escape. Evermore's injuries made traveling difficult and he had to lean against Dingo for support.

More time passed. Dingo's private Vulpes finally earned his rank-up and became a Sergeant.

Bison Father. Loaths
Peppermint Mother. Loved
Pineflower Sister. Indifferent
Snowdrop Sister. Deceased. Indifferent
Crabgrass Brother. Indifferent
Jackal Aunt. Indifferent
Quill Cousin. Indifferent
Toad (NPC) Past mentor. Deceased
Half-Face Past mentor. Respects
Vulpes Past Private. Proud of
Wintergreen Ally. Respects
Evermore Acquaintances. Growing fondness for
Downpour Rival. Detests
Nutmeg Previous love interest. Mixed emotions towards


  • Power
  • Flowers
  • Bullying


  • Downpour
  • Rabbits bigger than him


  • Keeps the pelt of his old mentor Toad in his nest
  • Has heterochromia


Young the Giant: Silver Tongue Everything Everything: No Reptiles Missio: Twisted

Voice Claim

Crowley: Supernatural -Mark Sheppard