
Name: Lillian White

Age: 16-17

Ethnicity: American

Height: 5'4 ft (163 cm)

Birthday: December 21
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Languages: English

Personality: Lillian is overly timid and cautious. She worries over her friends, and over the smallest of things. She isn't outspoken, and tends to let others boss her around. She's very easily influenced, and is also very gullible, putting little doubt in others.

Likes: rice crackers, cold weather, bunnies
Dislikes: being the center of attention, spiders

Extra Facts:
- Lillian's ability is air intangibility, meaning she can turn her body into air and manipulate the air around her. This allows her to travel through cracks in objects or let things pass through her.
- She is an only child, and lives alone with her father. Her mother died of an illness a few years after she was born.
- Her father's ability is wind breath, her mother didn't have an ability, making her a half-blood.
- She is best friends with Violet and Jamie, and has known them both since they were children. She is a junior, the same year as Violet.
- She has always attended magic school.
- She loves eating rice crackers, and always has some on her. She likes sharing them with her friends.
- her favorite color is white