
4 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Pigeon varient Aarakocra












in an active campaign? no

  • has opinions, always speaks them, probably sometimes shouldn't
  • tends to be too critical / judgmental of other people
  • snob / sarcastic ass
  • very creative, dedicated to their art
  • has a soft spot for plants
  • completely tone deaf (cannot sing)
  • claustrophobic
  • dreams to have a nice apartment with a balcony in an artistic city (probably somewhere like nyc?)
  • likes to lay around, but never relaxes enough to do it
  • lowkey strong af. no one knows this. they work out
  • an extrovert, but has a hard time connecting with people. they either get along with others well or dont at all. 
  • very ambitious. wants to pick up new crafts, all the time. they do a lot but it never feels like enough
  • chaotic sense of fashion. as in no one would call it fashion 
  • buoyant, energetic. is often too much for people
  • they love to hike. in mountains especially
  • tend to wear a messenger bag around (kinda like connor murphy's)
  • bad at spelling. probably dyslexic. theyre very ashamed of this and tend to hide it
  • grew up with a single mom. she supports their artistic endeavors wholeheartedly. they adore each other and have a very supportive + loving relationship. there was some hiccups and bad periods when max was in high school though. 
  • grew up in a small town - didnt really have friends in high school (at least not close ones)
  • can get very political (eat the rich)
  • college freshman, got really into their studies and thus havent made the time to make friends yet
  • probably have adhd
  • lower class growing up, comfortable but have to be smart with their money now
  • work a part time job - idk where
  • really WANT to make friends and socialize, but make it hard for themself 
  • every weekend goes to a coffee shop, the Black Fennekin, for a bagel. they immediately hit if off with a barista. shes the one who pulls them out of their self contained world. their first date is a hike at a local park theyve never been to that dazzles them. the two of them start dating just in time for winter break of their first year
  • green eyes

max got fucking dumped????????
gf is GONE and her apartment is EMPTY but theres like. a chest of things left behind.. a compelling mystery....
conflicted. on one hand, they feel very empowered by having succeeded on the mission. and they have friends! kinda. but on the other, having managed to pull off something so sneaky and finding out secrets along they way, theyve realized that the world and this city are full of secrets.. and of course, hilda's disappearance happens immediately to prove this. with no time to recover or celebrate as the city buzzes about the events of the museum, max is heartbroken but refuses to deal with it- instead diving into the mystery of their (now ex???) gf. what were her intentions? were her feelings for max or their relationship ever real, or were they used? did she really steal that lunar piece, and if so why? and what do these family heirlooms left behind in her now-empty apartment mean? and of course, where is hilda now? becuase max has a lot to say to her. 

(personality inspo: Blue of TRC)