


4 years, 4 months ago


Spotify Playlist

Name: Exodus

Age: 77 (equivalent to 31 physiologicallyBirthdate: August 22nd

Gender: Male - He/Him - Pansexual 

Height: 5'10" (177.8cm)

Affiliation: Fallen Angel

Personality n stuff: Exodus is very cynical. He is a bit of an asshole because of his negative mindset, he will take his pessimistic thoughts and anger out on others when they bother him. He often loses interest in conversations with both humans and demons (excluding his friend Loki), often ignoring them and walking away. He has a soft spot for half-demons because of his past and is often more kind to them. He automatically engages with other fallen angels he meets because of their understanding and their rarity. As he is an anarchist he often incites human unrest or lashes out against authority. He does not see himself as higher than others because he does not care about himself or others. Nihilist, misanthrope, pessimist. 


PMV covering his backstory: I'm Only Joking | OC PMV - YouTube

And an unfinished AMV: https://youtu.be/-klENsm41TM

Exodus used to be a kinder, happier, and overall better individual before his fall.

Exodus was cast from Eden when his deep relationship with a demon was found out. Exodus knew it was a danger to be with a demon but he loved her too much to cease contact with her, and despite all of their precautions it was inevitable that they would be caught. Because she was a demon, Eden believed she had twisted and corrupted Exodus into falling in love with her (which was false) but that could not excuse Exodus in their eyes. She was executed in front of Exodus after they captured her and brought her to "trial." Exodus was deemed a traitor for fornicating with demons and for trying to defend her. Before she died, she told him not to worry and that she would watch over him. Exodus was punished for his "treachery" and branded with the sigil of the Fallen, corrupting his magic and blackening his hair and wings. His right wing was also disfigured and broken (and it never healed properly). His horn was broken off with a halberd as part of his punishment, slashing and blinding his left eye as well. His punisher was the angel Gabriel, one of the dogs for the higher-ups of Eden. Much of Exodus' rage and hatred became focused on Gabriel because of this. He was then cast out of Eden to live out the rest of his life on Earth, if he was ever caught by the angels or the Church again he would be executed.

As a result of his anger and malcontent towards Eden as well as his trust for demons because of his lover, he began to assist the demons in their silent war against the angels. Eventually he began to seek out demi-humans to warn them of Eden's shortcomings as well as to tempt them towards the side of the demons. As he is a fallen angel that permanently resides on Earth, he often gets targeted by exorcists and must live in hiding. Later in the story he does get to go to the demon world, Gehenna, where he does not need to hide but this is during a full blown war so he doesn't need to on Earth anyways.

One of his magical abilities is to summon a 'bolt' of condensed light in his hand to use as a projectile. It is purple and will dissipate on impact or after approximately two minutes. Summoning more than a dozen bolts in a short span of time will drain him of his magical power for several hours so he often carries a handgun or knife with him as a backup weapon.  He uses his left (functioning) wing as a shield or blunt weapon since he cannot fly and does not care about injuring it. His incapacitated wing does drag him down significantly so he prefer to remain as a ranged combatant. He could have his broken wing removed he wished but it would put him off balance and require both to be removed, and besides he refuses to do so because he sees his wing as a symbol of what he went through and that he uses it as a reminder to get revenge on Gabriel and Eden.

Random information:

  - Has a slight German accent.

 - Almost entirely blind in his left eye. All he can see is a dim blur.

  - Broken right wing, never healed right so its always limp.

  - His powers can be unreliable so he mainly uses his pistol.

  - Smokes cigarettes and drinks at Loki's bar often.