


8 years, 20 days ago


★ Inaki ★

Loyal ☆ Moralistic ☆ Affectionate

"Of course, Jean"


Name || Inaki
Alias || Sir Inaki (also Lord Inaki)
Gender || Male
Age || 35
Species || #639 Terrakion
Height || 6'5" // 195.5 cm
Kingdom || Valet
Class || General
Orientation || Panromantic - Asexual
Occupation || Retainer of King Jean
Status || Taken by Amaryllis
Voice || Dasoku
Theme || Children of the Sun by Poets of the Fall

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☆ About

A childhood friend of King Jean. His father was the previous Royal Advisor. Originally intending to follow his father's footsteps, Inaki instead decided to devote himself to Jean's safety. Hopelessly loyal, to Jean, to the royal family he considers as his own siblings, and to Valet, Inaki loves without restraint, but rarely asks for anything in return. He would kill for his king and kingdom, though he does not take pleasure in doing so. Despite this, he despises underhanded tactics and those who would carry them out, disgusted by the dishonorable.

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☆ Personality

✾ Friendly ✾ Loyal ✾ Idealistic ✾ Loving ✾ Slight pushover (with Jean) ✾ Caring ✾ Can be naive ✾

Inaki would be the first to admit that he's a pushover when it comes to Jean. He loves him like a brother, and tends to put Jean before himself more often than not. Still, he isn't afraid to disagree with Jean, though he hates doing so. There is little he hides from his king, the only secret Inaki holds being his sexuality... or lack thereof. Jean believes that Inaki is simply being a romantic and is waiting for his "special someone". Everyone else believes Inaki is too busy protecting Jean to see others. Inaki is happy keeping things that way, honestly.

An idealist, Inaki wants to do something great with his life for the kingdom. Despite that, and despite the fact that he does anything anyone else would deem 'great', nothing seems 'great' enough for him to consider it as a completion of his life goal. He doesn't seem to be in any rush, however, certain that he will find his great deed one day.

Friendly and charming, Inaki is a counterpart to Jean's flirtatious ways. He enjoys meeting people, even those from other kingdoms, and speaking with them. He smiles because he finds it easier to get people to trust him that way, and he'd smile while raising his weapon to defend himself or Jean. He tends to speak in a way that constantly straddles formal and casual too, respectful to royalty but not so polite that he won't crack the odd joke or two when he can.

Though he certainly doesn't see it as a problem, more of a fact of life, Inaki doesn't think the best of himself. He does believe that he's strong and smart, but he idolises Jean to the point where he's certain that Jean is better than him in many aspects. He also believes himself to be slightly broken due to his sexuality, though it's not something that bothers him very much. Inaki is certainly the kind to force a smile regardless of the situation, purely because of how it's easier to smile than it is to worry others.

Above all, Inaki is an earnest man. He has his beliefs and his morals and he follows them as he lives his life the way he wants to. He genuinely trusts and believes in his best friend and wants only the best for Jean and Valet. He's smart too, evaluating people and unafraid to weigh their worth as well as assess their use to Jean.


★ His family
★ Valet
★ Quiet days
★ Reading
★ Cuddling. All the cuddling


☆ Lies and deceit
☆ Flirtations directed towards him
☆ Disagreeing with Jean
☆ Talking about his problems
☆ The fact that he can't cook

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☆ Story Summary

Inaki's father was the advisor of the previous King of Valet, Jean's father. An only child, Inaki never felt alone because he grew up with the first prince, treating Jean as a brother. His father initially wanted him to become the next advisor, and Inaki heeded that wish until he and Jean grew a little older and Inaki realised he would be more useful as a retainer. "Jean's smarter than me, so there isn't much I can say that he won't already know," was his reasoning, and it's a belief he's held ever since.

In the military, he met a fellow trainee, Bianca Solomon (then going by the name Biel). He later found out that Bianca had faked her documents in order to get into the military. Rather than call her out on it, Inaki decided to help her conceal her identity. He recommended her to Jean, and they were made Jean's retainers at the same time. Since then, Inaki's had fun prodding Bianca into opening up (a futile effort, but he doesn't mind). He's still as utterly devoted to Jean as ever, loving him as a brother and his king.

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☆ Miscellaneous


  • Ω He's had sex like- once. When he was 16. He's not sex repulsed, and it feels nice, but he doesn't see the unspoken obsession with it and hasn't slept with anyone since. He kind of wishes that there were more people more into cuddling than the sex? He just really wants to cuddle someone? Bianca would stab him if he tried to cuddle her, so- And no, he doesn't understand Jean's tastes. Or Jean's sexcapades. At all.
  • Ω No one knows he's asexual. He doesn't even know that that's the term for it. He hasn't told anyone and has no intentions to. As far as anyone knows, Inaki's just "waiting for the right someone".
  • Ω He wants to learn how to cook. He's the type that would burn water. He's not allowed in the kitchen anymore.
  • Ω Though he would befriend an enemy just as easily as he would raise his blade against them, Inaki is very respectful and detests mockery in any form.
  • Ω He has a bad habit of reading even when it's way too dark for him to read comfortably- He doesn't like stopping reading long enough to light a candle unless he literally can't see anything.
  • Ω Detests lies and trickery. By that extension, he hates spies and assassins and basically anyone who uses underhanded means to get to others. While able to tolerate speaking to them, Inaki does not enjoy it by any means.

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☆ Relationships



[ His King ]
"For you, I will do as you wish, Jean. Always."
Inaki respects, trusts, and absolutely adores Jean. Jean is his brother, his king, his most precious person. Inaki idolizes the man, unable to perceive Jean as ever being in the wrong, faulting himself more often than not. He wants nothing more than to see Jean happy. Inaki is also helplessly, futilely in love with Jean, a secret known only by two others. He is well-aware that nothing will come of it, and has no intentions of bringing it up ever. To be by Jean's side is the most he would ever dare ask for. Despite his secret, Inaki accepts and reciprocates the affection Jean shows towards him. Above all else, Jean is his family, and he would fight and die to protect Jean without hesitation.


[ His Flower Princess ]
"You'll always be my dearest flower princess, okay? Nothing in this world will ever change that."
'Flower princess' is a nickname he'd given to her when she'd been a young child, a nickname he'd refused to let go of even as she grew older. Inaki loves Valeria like a sister, wholly and without restraint, and he's open enough to show his affection in public, much to Valeria's embarrassment. Perhaps being an only child is why he'd been so eager to become her older brother figure, but the point remains that he considers them family and would fight with that he has to protect Valeria. He's concerned about her constant bouts of righteousness, fretting over her safety more often than not, but trusts her retainers enough that he knows she will always come home.


[ His Lover ]
"I know it took me a while to get here, but I love you. I love you more each and every day, and I'm grateful that you chose me."
A fortune teller he'd met while exploring the main city of Valet. Kind and patient, witty and humorous, Inaki had not fallen for her as much as he had very slowly and tentatively walked down the stairs into her arms. She'd seen and accepted the parts of him he still struggles to accept, and is willing to knock him out of self-depreciating tendencies with sarcasm and a light nudge. Inaki wants to do nothing more than sweep her off her feet and spoil her rotten, willing to give all of himself to her and then some.


[ His Friend ]
"I know it's difficult, but I'd like you to see me as a friend one day."
A girl he met while he was in the army. Masquerading as a man, Bianca had been (and still is) a silent woman who refuses to look away when stared at. Inaki had discovered her secret and helped her maintain it, later recommending her to Jean. He'd done so due to her determination and strength, her intelligence and her sharp tongue, qualities he thought would suit one required to protect the king. He hopes that she will open up some day.


[ His Ex-Lover ]
"It's alright if you don't forgive me, but... I'd like to be friends again, if you'd allow it."
A young lady Inaki had befriended, and then courted when they were both teenagers. They were each other's firsts. At the time, Inaki was 16, and Alya 15. Though he'd suspected it at first, after that night, Inaki had realized he found no enjoyment in sex. If anything, he found it uncomfortable. Still, it had caused him to withdraw from Alya, unable to explain why he didn't want to sleep with her again and they had parted on unfriendly terms. Now, he wishes to be her friend again, but is waiting for her to grow open to the idea.


[ His Friend ]
"I do hope you don't mind having tea with me again?"
He'd met Vincenzo when the boy had gotten lost during a ball at the palace. Inaki had shown him around a little, sharing thoughts with the young man before parting ways. They'd become friends after that, Inaki coming up with excuses to squirrel away with Vincenzo in the palace archives and trading books. He cares for Vincenzo dearly, hoping to draw the boy out of his shell.

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