


4 years, 3 months ago
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Name Jesper
Species Siamese Cat Mix
Gender Demiguy
Age Adult
Pronouns He/Him
Height 5'3''
Sexuality Homosexual
Job ...


  • Attention
  • Being Held


  • Himself
  • Too Much Effort
  • Being Vulnerable


Designer coldioc
Commissions +6 | $173.96
Created Dec 26, 2019
Trades/Payments +1
Acquired Dec 26, 2019
Personal +40
Purchase Cost $0.00
Sketch Pages +5
Outfits +3
Gifts +2

Purchase Details

Created by me



Jesper acts cool, often trying to come up with witty comebacks and banter but not always succeeding. He has low self esteem and struggles with thinking negatively about himself and his body, and tries to hide his insecurities with his cool facade.

He can be pretty awkward when things start going not as planned. He's easily startled, and quickly becomes anxious in less than ideal social situations. He also doesn't tend to be the most graceful person out there, which doesn't help him in these situations. The more anxious he feels the more likely he is to do something clumsy, as he has a harder time focusing when anxious.

He isn't good at expressing his emotions to people, especially not in a manner that's coherent or makes sense. He refuses to admit how he feels or his insecurities to most people, and struggles to even talk about things with those he cares about.

When he's emotional or excited, he rambles a lot and tends to make little sense to anyone other than himself.

Jesper can be pretty spoiled and needy, and likes having things handed to him in life whenever he's able to get away with it. He doesn't like putting a lot of effort into most things. He can be pretty grumpy and/or pouty, especially in response to being teased or not getting his way.

He has a deep craving for the feeling of being loved and appreciated, so much that he swears it hurts sometimes. Loves being held.

Social Anxiety



Katzen boyfriend

Katzen and Jesper have been dating for quite a while now, and were best friends for even longer beforehand. They share a lot of hobbies and interests, and spend the majority of their freetime together. Jesper loves how Katzen dotes over him and cuddles him, though at times he struggles with remembering to be appreciative of it (though Katzen never lets Jesper take him for granted). Jesper isn't the biggest fan of Katzen's teasing, and responds grumpily, but he lets it slide since they're so close and Katzen does a lot for him.


Jello boyfriend

Jesper met Jello at a club and the two started hanging out more until eventually they decided to start dating. He introduced Jello to Katzen and then eventually to the rest of their friend group as well. Similarly to Katzen, Jesper enjoys the attention that Jello gives him. However, his relationship with Jello is a lot less chaotic and more calm, he enjoys spending quiet time with Jello and also appreciates the fact that he's always there to lend a hand or listen to him vent when he needs it.


Juni QPP / best friend

Jesper spends a lot of time with Juni. They work really well together, and are pretty intuned to one another, oftentimes coming up with similar ideas or understanding what the other means with little to no words. They naturally gravitate towards each other when they're in the same spaces, even if they didn't originally intend to. He feels a lot more relaxed and comfortable when he's around her.


Maxwell friend

Maxwell doesn't tend to cheer Jesper on like his other friends do, but Jesper mostly just takes this as extra motivation to keep going to spite him. He finds Maxwell's congratulations extra satisfying when he manages to get them. He also tries to pick on and tease Max back, since he frequently does this to Jesper.

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