
Name: Janelle Brown

Age: 17

Ethnicity: American

Height: 5'6 ft (168 cm)

Birthday: June 27
Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Languages: English

Personality: Janelle is very proud and outspoken, however she gets agitated easily. She's full of herself and strives to be the best, and doesn't like others who surpass her abilities. 

Likes: partying, staying up late, dark chocolate
Dislikes: being ignored, not getting attention, following rules, getting beaten

Extra Facts:
- Janelle's ability is sand manipulation, meaning she can control the sand or dirt that's around her.
- Janelle has an older sister, and lives with both her parents.
- Her sister has a sand creation ability. Her mother has a rock formation ability while her father has a wood bending ability.
- She used to live in the same city as Drake when she was in elementary school, but in 4th grade ended up moving to the same town as Amber. She ended up attending the same elementary school as Amber, thus leading the two to meet.
- She struggles with her confidence, as growing up, she was always compared to her sister and later to Amber, whose abilities have always been stronger than hers.
- She and Amber have always attended the same school, and followed Amber into magic school upon entering middle school.
- She's had a crush on Drake ever since they met as kids. However, when he and Amber started dating in high school, her jealousy started to emerge much more than it had before.
- She enjoys drinking coffee, and dislikes it when it's too sweet.
- her favorite color is brown