


4 years, 3 months ago



Name Ezra
Age 21
Gender Male (he / him)
Species Spinxyn
Role Idiot
Value -


Ezra has lived a cushy life of glamour in Savnic city, as a model and part time actor. His parents are ignorant Savnic superstars who always coddled him and kept him swept up in the elite life. 
Stubborn, stuck up, two faced, and appearance driven are all suitable descriptors for Ezra. Genuinely obnoxious, many of his colleagues hate him, but have put on airs because of his popularity and connections.

Ezra faced his downfall while on a publicity campaign through Corner Town. His staff tried to keep him in Savnic to avoid any scandals from his ignorance, but he got his parents to strong arm permission for him to do what he wanted once he turned 21, and Corner Town was immediately in his sights; it was the perfect place to charitably pity people while making himself look good. 

Unsurprisingly, it went horribly when Ezra arrived in Corner Town's main port, paparazzi pushing their way in behind him, causing a mess for all of the local fisheries and businesses. However, Corner Town was used to the occasional Savnic schmuck. They always came with the same motives as Ezra, and all of them received the same violent rejection.

While rushing his way into the city, Ezra saw a younger spinx working at the docks, harboring a grotesque crocodilian curse. Ugly curses were really uncommon in Savnic, seeing as celebrities would often disappear off the map if their curse was too scandalous or extreme, and in his shock he couldn't hold his tongue.

The words he said to that spinx would have sent any Corner Town resident into rage, and this particular cursed spinx was not in any mood to humor his sentiments. Unsurprisingly, the lash back was a hard crocodile claw to the face. It all happened before Ezra's staff or paparazzi could reach him and react, but it definitely sent him shrieking back to his luxurious yacht.

Did he learn anything from this? 

No. Not really. It just fueled a panicked frenzy over the marred appearance of his face, which had always been one of his most popular selling points. Any self reflection for his behavior was pushed to the back burner while frantically attempting to avoid the spotlight before he can get his face scarring fixed.

While Savnic tabloids buzz with rumors over his mysterious Corner Town visit, injury, and sudden leave of absence, Ezra's been in contact with a strange spinx whose promised he can fix Ezra's problems... for the right price.


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