Aristos's Comments

My gosh this boi is too gorgeous!! Are you taking offers on him? My whole unsorted is up for trade! Otherwise I can offer art! (I only draw humanoids)

I am! I really liked 

I'd be willing to trade him for her if you're up for it!

Absolutely! If you’re ok with it, I’d love to trade her for him!

Alright! I'll send him over!

I´d love to use him for my novels! He would be a member of Poseidon-Clan alongside with my character Sappho. I´d love to use him as one of the noblemen and as a tutor for Sappho. He would be nice and maybe a bit overchallenged with his job, given how Sappho can be a real pain in the ass, but in the end, he would enjoy his job and have a good relationship with Sappho, being sort of a mentor and emotional support figure throughout the first novel.

I absolutely love it! You gotta let me know when the novel is complete so I can read it :D

I will let you know :)