


4 years, 3 months ago


A half human half reaper boi who can shift into a wolf with deer horns that burst into flames when angry.
Dante is a trans boy FtM. He's a moody, grumpy reaper who has huge deer horns that catch on fire when angry. As human his horns are barely noticible, especally under his fluffy hair, and they have tiny flames when angry. VERY fluffy, long tail. Dante use to have a faimly pet cat. When the cat died, they didn't want to get rid of the cat, so his spirit still sticks around. him and dante have a love/hate relationship, act more like older and little brother than anything. Dante has an angel friend who also goes to school with him named icarus. Mother's gone often on reaper missions, father's in the army. Love his parents, mothers stricter than his father. When he was young his father wanted to hide Dante's reaper powers because they didn't know what a human/reaper would have for abilities. When Dante found out his father was trying to keep his powers secret he got mad and when he pushed his father, acidentlly burnt him. His father has two small, burn scars in the shape of hand prints on his chest now  because of this. No Fingerprints, no DNA, blood steams away. 17 years old. ONly child. He can see timers above peoples heads telling how long they have left to live. Demon weapons are fastest to heal from, human weapons are moderate, and angel weapons are hardest to heal from. Badass mother, mother also has powers just a slightly less powerul version than Dante, but more of a range in powers where Dante was stuck with just heat due to his half human nature.

An OC I share with one of my best friends. Will never be for sale.