Skaa-Mitsit OhBtea (Nomble)



4 years, 3 months ago


Nomble may appear young, in their mid-20s, but don’t be fooled as he’s well into her 130th decade. Her general appearance is androgynous, and she considers herself neither and both. For this reason, it can sometimes be confusing when Nomble is speaking in a language with gendered pronouns, as they use whichever suits their mood and personal aesthetic at the time. One of the benefits of being a Culture-standard physionomy is that she maintains his species’ ability to change physical gender at will (via an easy-to-do but difficult-to-explain process that takes a few weeks to complete). This is very useful when on missions to NonCulture planets with a dominant gender. When not required to by mission mandates, Nomble prefers to change their physiology almost constantly, but keep their general appearance medium brown and just on the femme side of androgynous. She prefers to keep her sclera deep blue and her irises cyan, but that’s mostly because it weirds other people out.

Nomble’s personal style can be described (badly) as “Retrofuturism meets cyberpunk.” Think lots of bright, contrastive colours, impractical-looking armours and accessories, straps and dangly bits, and things that LOOK like pockets but aren’t actually pockets (while his REAL pockets don’t look like pockets at all.)