


4 years, 3 months ago


aka "that fuzz'ms guy"


name Romeo
age mid-20s
pronouns he/they
job dishwasher
species spinxyn
music ♫ ♫ ♫
masterlist Official #138
likes: skincare, videogames, sleeping, being left alone

dislikes: being perceived, the gods, himself, velcro


Romeo is an infamous spinx known for customer service crimes that ended in the closing of a cutesy-themed amusement park. Legend says that Romeo went into a blind rage, punching every parkgoer until he had to be tackled by ten different security workers.

Due to the curse he acquired during the scuffle, Romeo was shunted into the internet spotlight. the memes users created ranged from cute drawings to rude one-liners. Some call him a hero for standing up to the abuse of minimum-wage workers; some call him a typical spinx troublemaker. Romeo would prefer that everyone forget about him.

Nowadays you can find them working at a rather high-end Savnic club as a dishwasher.

present day

31918389_7hq_5783204.png?1689644357 Romeo spends their days surprisingly content. After getting chased into an abandoned theater during the move back to Catalis, they met a strange spinx by the name of Morgan. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Cras imperdiet libero ac lorem euismod dignissim. Nullam mollis risus sem, in vehicula neque viverra sed. Quisque sapien magna, vehicula vitae libero vitae, congue venenatis est. Proin dapibus ultricies fringilla. Sed eleifend dolor aliquet, pretium turpis quis, vestibulum urna.

design notes

8ff8058133be76c629a7ddefd42464a4.png hood can technically be lowered (after character growth) resting pouty face the hood's face can match emotions with romeo (it's not alive though)