Maiki Tsume



7 years, 6 months ago





Quirk:Physical Pyre MANIPULATION

Maiki, or 'Mai' as he prefers to be called, has the ability to morph fire into solid objects, his greatest morph being a set of pyre claws for his hands. When he was younger, he nearly burned down the orphanage he lived in, and ran away once he had a semblance of control over his power. Ever since then, he's learned to survive in the streets, adopting traits to that of a cat. It seems his only weakness is water, for he cannot swim or summon fire when covered in it, and his own cockiness. Along with that, it appears that he can burn up easily, aka his body can grow to severe body temperatures, possibly causing heat stroke or various other heat-related side effects.

If there's anything the streets taught Tsume, it's that life is a matter of survival, you either live, or you don't. He's essentially homeless, having previously living in a box before arriving to U.A. He is cunning, clever, and ever so confident. And add his urge to flirt with others on the list, and you have an easily exploitable weakness....his ego. But alas, he personally believes that being a hero could be easy pay, so he managed to sneak his way into the tests and apply. He would've made it into one of the higher classes if he didn't sneak in. But, the higher ups noticed his potential, and thus they allowed him to remain as a student in the General Department of Education, hopefully to set his priorities straight and teach him what it means to be a real hero. And now here his is, waiting to be challenged at the age of 18 years old.

Voice Claim: Kyo from Fruits Basket