Kataigída "Kepi Indrani"



7 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Formal Name



Kepi Indrani

Name Meaning

Kataigída - (Greek meaning "Storm"), Kepi - Egyptian name meaning "Tempest", Indrani - Hindi name meaning "possesses a drop [of rain]" (feminine form of Indra)


Unknown (Appears to be "untouched by time"; 20 years old)






Death, Nature, Tempest

Personality Highlights

Thoughtful | Introspective | Reclusive | Unforgiving | Moody | Brooding | Ruthless | Cruel | Territorial | Distrustful | Scheming | Protective/Defensive | Selfish/Greedy | Rude


Neutral Evil


Deity of Storms and Disasters (Associated with Disasters/Storms and the Abyss of the Sea)


STR 29 DEX 13 CON 24 INT 18 WIS 22 CHA 20 (Avatar only)


L'histoire Avera's Rival


[Coming Soon]

Acquired Through



Lato Version:

Personality: A thoughtful and reclusive deity, that rules with indifference towards the disasters he leaves behind. He is prone to mood swings and often seems to be rather brooding at times, but overall if appeased he can be more lenient. He favors merfolk above all else, but even with them he can be ruthless if they invade his temple's territory without invitation. He was once the Guardian to the previous deity of storms, but decided to kill the one before him in order to take their powers for himself. He does not trust other Guardians, fearing that they may also scheme as he did. Because of this he has not taken on a Guardian and protects his own temple from any intruders.

Life Before Ascension: [COMING SOON]


* During the Divine Uprising Kepi Indrani joined the rogue Guardians who had decided they were fed up with serving their deities. Adva Nahar, the former deity of Seas and Wicked Justice (extremely strict laws and harsh punishments), was killed by Kepi Indrani which allowed him to take on the power of Justice and rulership of the Seas. In his greed he sought out to kill L'histoire Avera and take her powers as well. This fued resulted in the loss of his control over Justice and the loss of her right eye and power over Fairweather. She had learned of his murdering Adva Nahar and therefore had already planned for if he decided to come after other deities allowing her to escape without further harm, though she did not intend losing her right eye or the power of Fairweather in the process.

* Kepi Indrani is considered the patron deity of merfolk in Lato. He used the carcass of his former master in order to craft both subspecies of merfolk. The purrmaids had been created through the use of soft tissue and the aqwari were born from the bones which determinded the differences of their traits. The purrmaids hold the caste of average citizens but may aspire to become hunters, while the aqwari seem to be more bred for war and conflict acting as the defense, guard, and soldiers of their lands. They habour the same selfish desires of their creator which is probably why they have continuously won his favor over other races. It probably helps that each is deemed a child of Kepi Indrani as well. Due to the conflict between Kepi Indrani and Evi it is believed that both merfolk and humans wage war and continue to do so in an effort to sway the favor of Nin Kala by providing him with the flesh of the opposing side's enemies. Kepi Indrani is the father of all merfolk and Evi is the mother of all humans.

* Rumor has it that Kepi Indrani has a stash of ancient treasures sunk deeply in the sea. It is said that he hid them in a place so deep that only he can reach and guards the treasures like a dragon guards his horde. There is a fabled treasure map, some pirates claim, that may lead to a secret nook in the ocean in order to get to the treasures. But these stories are all dismissed as nothing more than tales of washed up pirates and typically told to children. [Later however, Artemisneros has come across this map of rumor and hands it over to Fel Treori saying that it is a map that his father once had but he no longer has a use for it. What may become of it? An adventure unfolds...]

 * No one sails during the last two weeks of summer for fear that Kepi Indrani may sink their vessel. Supposedly he swims the enitre strech of the oceans to visit his greatest shrines during this period. Due to his abscence and leaving his self-guarded temple with no Guardian to watch over it for him most believe that he conjures hurricanes and maelstrom during this time as a way to defend his home.


Species Cannon Version:

Personality: A reclusive and territorial Aqwari that doesn't like to share anything. He is extremely shy to the point that he pushes people away. Often seen as rude and apathetic towards others, but in general he can be polite and very caring after given some time and lots of space at first. He is considerably strong and protects his temple home by himself, either with large rocks or by stirring up whirlpools. He is not really the brightest and can be easily fooled by others which is another reason for his typical behavior.