


4 years, 2 months ago


"It was all thanks to me!"

Name Vārein Age 25
Gender Cis Female (she/her) Orientation Pansexual
Height 6'0" Eye Colour Dark Brown
Job Class Bard Other Plays the Lyre


Overconfident with nothing to show for it. Vārein is incredibly self absorbed and full of herself despite being terrible at everything other than barding or eating. She loves to brag about her talent with a blade or her wild adventures, but she's really a coward who will run at the first hint of trouble and lies through her teeth. And she is a very convincing liar. Vārein's good at getting what she wants and doesn’t care about the method she takes to get there (unless she’s caught, where she considers how fast to run away). A huge extrovert and storyteller. She has no interest in responsibility, just money and food and a way to explore the world.


Vārein & Silus' mother, Fy Va, was the first magic user in Hellainya since their long war with their norther enemies, Nevu'e, resulted in their magic being sealed. She passed her powers to her children when they were born sickly, dying so they could live. At 15, the twins were summoned to train in Hellainya's capital city.

The responsibility terrified Vārein, and she dangerouly transferred her powers to Silus. They both managed to survive, with Silus continuing to the capital city to train as Vārein struck out on her own to see other lands.


Fy Silus: Vārein's twin brother. They lived together until they turned 15 and are very close. Vārein tends to annoy her brother, but she loves him deeply, willing to do anything for her brother - even face her fears.

Fy Va: Vārein and Silus' mother. The first mage since the Nevu'e war. She died saving their lives when they were born by giving them her powers.

Sidur: Vārein and Silus' father. Still alive. A master weaver who loves his children and understands they need to find their own paths.


Vārein is a buff/debuff unit. She plays songs that inspire or hinder by sheer force of their majesty - no magic involved. All songs are AoE moves and can hit both enemies and friends, depending on location. She's quick on her feet with high speed and evasion to make up for her dismal attack, health, and defense stats.


  • Likes: music, money, food (all food), people, bragging, storytelling, entertainment
  • Dislikes: not having money, music, or food (all food), weaving, responsibilities
  • Strengths: music, charisma, can lie her way out of any situation, even when running away she has complete confidence in herself
  • Weaknesses: everything else